Source of RMT gold - Players buying materials from bots

You’re gonna preach econ in that tone while simultaneously claiming that “billions” of gold pumped into the economy doesnt matter without GDKP there? Okay…you arent gonna convince me or anyone of that reasoning.

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When flasks are 1000g lets chat.

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Yup. Tell me, if not for GDKP, what would people require such an amount of gold for?

Already have, Blizzard already made the change following this exact logic. In fact, entire economics have revolved around the simple rules of supply and demand.

I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, but you’re not the one that needs to be convinced. Everyone already agrees you’re wrong. It is your job to convince us otherwise. And not understanding basic supply and demand is not an effective way to go about doing that.

Dude your argument is that supply doesnt matter because gdkp is the only demand. Supply can go to infinity and it doesnt matter? You are clearly the one who doesnt understand supply and demand.

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Let me explain it simply. If I have 1000g and you have 100g how much will you pay for herbs? Probably much less than me. Multiply that by 100000 players on a realm. Suddenly you’re wondering why herbs are so expensive. This is what happens over time with bots farming unchecked. Gdkp is a source of demand, but it will simply shift to another as the market forces work out this adjustment.

That’s not my argument. My argument is this:

This further proves to me that you have zero idea how supply and demand works. If the demand takes a hit, so will the supply. They have a symbiotic relationship.

Sure, except Blizzard, economists, and markets around the world disagree with you and your interpretation of supply and demand.

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It’s all so tiresome with these GDKP defenders

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We’re talking about a currency mate. The market is never saturated because it will simply inflate. Its like saying “oh the fed printed too much money, there is no demand”

You’re acting like gold is a reagent or something that we can have too much of.

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Inside a video game with limited things to spend said currency on, beyond the infinitely scaling market that GDKPs fostered.

This loops back to my question that you were incapable of answering: What do people need gold for beyond GDKP runs?

Will you even attempt to answer it this time or will you dodge it once again?

Mounts, consumes, boes, boosts, crafting flasks. Have you never played classic? Have you seen the price of a flask in era where bots have been farming? It’s more than an epic mount

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So you’re comparing the pocket change that is these things to GDKPs where things went for tens of thousands of gold?

You’ll have to try harder. It’s a dishonest false equivalency to compare those.

Era has nowhere near the size that SoD does. Era has also been running a lot longer than SoD has so everything is obviously inflated.

This is yet another fallacious false equivalency. The reason you immediately pivot to these types of responses is due to the lack of logic behind your stance. You are not able to defend your stance at all, which is why Blizzard went the direction they did.

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We all know you are the OP btw…


Thousands of gold? GDKP items go for 5g in SoD. 20g for epic.

And yet you’re quoting “thousands of gold” for GDKP items. Please…

Been defending it all day to your bad faith arguments, as seen above.

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It’s phase one. We’ve already been over this:

Please keep up.

Did you play Classic?

And still haven’t convinced Blizzard or anyone else. What does that tell us?

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huh? what are you even talking about

First you say that GDKP is the reason for spending gold and it wont matter how much bots farm without GDKP.

Then when given examples of what will be purchased you say they are only expensive because of GDKP. And that farming billions of gold is not a problem without GDKP.

So tell me, if the gold is all for GDKP, how do the items get inflated in price? Because people buy them with botted gold? Bingo. GDKP just shiffles the gold around. Without it, the gold doesn’t simply sit in bags. Trust me, bots dont sit on gold they farm. They will sell it at whatever price and the market inflates.

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The RATE of inflation may go down because of the arms race argument, thats covered in the OP if you care to read.

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You arent going to get rid of people paying bots to do boring tasks for them unless you get rid of bots.

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That’s not what I said. This is what I said:

That’s also not what I said.

It isn’t, because it won’t happen.

You’re comparing flasks that may inflate to 100g to GDKP items that inflate to 50k gold. Again, this is another dishonest comparison that will fail to convince.

The OP is just more fallacies actually.

People bot for money. If you cut the amount of money people will make with bots there will be less bots.

Again, simple supply and demand that economies have relied on for centuries that you’ve called “backwards logic”.

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Again, I’ve covered that the rate of inflation goes down without GDKP. But bots dont go away and the gold supply that currently exists doesnt go away either. So when everything settles people will still pay bots for gold. And lower inflation isnt a bad thing for bots.

If the demand for gold goes down inflation slows and those items the bot is vendoring for a static price? Those are worth more for longer. And when inflation picks up they can just farm materials to sell to players. It doeant fundamentally change anything besides inflation rate (because in a gdkp world they farm raw gold for longer, but not forever). The same players buying gold will buy less gold for a higher price.

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