Source of RMT gold - Players buying materials from bots

many questions

the thread for the announcement is stickied, post there or the support forum where someone might answer and stop making a new thread to ask a new variation of the same question every 12 hours.

threads for feedback

i think we have all registered your feelings, ty for your feedback, plz stop spamming copium essays/threads now.


You quoted 10% of my answer in the FAQ section. This particular section is explaining how GDKP contributes to bot-driven hyper inflation. No idea what you’re talking about.

So bots are the problem. Also, I thought the anti-GDKP argument was that everyone was buying gold for gear. If everyone is hoarding gold for gear, why are you seeing “inflating prices” as you’re suggesting? And wouldn’t that mean with GDKP gone the prices will go higher because the gold is no longer being hoarded for gear? Not so simple anymore huh?

I think you should read the OP. The economy always works itself out, with or without GDKP.

This is 100% a bad faith troll post. But I’ll add that I’ve never denied that GDKP is a factor.

This is maybe 2% of what I was saying. I encourage you to read the rest. I’m explaining that GDKP’s main contribution is hyper inflation of gold because bots are farming gold for gold’s sake, versus materials to sell for gold. I go on to say that this isn’t actually in the bot’s best interest because farming raw gold has diminishing returns.

I have no idea what you just said mate. You’re welcome to check out the OP if you want to have a discussion.

You started off on the same logical path as me, but you quickly let your GDKP strawman focus cloud that logic. GDKP increases inflation, but bots don’t really care about inflation because they can just sell materials to you for inflated prices. GDKP going away doesnt hurt bots the way you think it does. See the OP for more.

I agree with this. I think it will not (obviously) for the reasons outlined in the OP. But I appreciate the comment.

Where I think we disagree is I reject the idea that we should deny popular and engaging gameplay that players very much enjoy on a whim, to just see if it helps a problem that can be addressed directly.

Hey, nice to meet you. You should consider being more constructive with your posts.

You should consider being more constructive with your posts. Bad faith mockery isn’t doing anything but spam.

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You seem every bit as motivated as me regarding this topic. The difference is you’re trolling and I’m actually posting feedback.

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yes, i feel passionately about the subject, and because i am anti GDPK/RMT there is almost no chance i have an ulterior motive besides wanting the game to be better for everyone who doesnt want to be forced into the GDKP system to leech inflated rmt payouts as their primary method of earning gold.

you on the other hand very clearly have some stake in the p2w RMT fueled system continuing to be a thing or you wouldnt have spent the last 3 days spamming essays about it :thinking:

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First of all, thank you so much for actually posting something with substance to discuss.

I disagree that removing GDKP meaningfully changes the bot farming economy. It removes an inflationary factor (GDKP) but after market shocks even out people will still pay bots to farm what they don’t want to at an hourly rate that they find worthwhile. We’re going to come into phases where consumes, mounts, epic boes, etc. will be very expensive. Much more expensive than the 5g items go for in SoD GKDPs.

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Oh, really? Maybe I should quit my job and live off the 92s gold split I got in my last GDKP raid.

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My threads are all different questions that warrant community discussion. You would be welcome to discuss, but instead you are mostly just trolling mate.

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they really aren’t, they all boil down to “why cant i keep gdkping?”

answer: because blizz banned it for obvious reasons.


Same here.

Huh? No one forces you.

So you spend 3 days spamming my threads and that makes sense because you are innocent. But me voicing feedback is proof that I RMT? Ooookay

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Huh? No one forces you.

gdkps are generally far better gph than farming once we hit 60 and game bis items start getting thrown around due to all the rmt’d gold inflating the payout pools.

at the same time the increased demand for gold leads to more bots farming more mats, which they then sell on the AH, leading to the prices for those mats becoming so depressed farming is non viable unless you are botting. basically leaving attending gdkps for payouts as the only sensible way to make gold.

and before you retort with “WELL YOU SAID GDKPS CAUSE INFLATION”, they do. the RMT gold being pumped into the economy via the GDKP inflates the price for mats and consumes the bots do not farm, while the ones they do farm get heavily depressed, this is why arcane crystals dropped to like 20g for a bit when zg came out in classic and all the botters figured out how to hack under the map to get to the nodes.

So you spend 3 days spamming my threads and that makes sense because you are innocent. But me voicing feedback is proof that I RMT? Ooookay

only one person in this situation can have an ulterior motive, it is not me

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Sounds like we’re going to get crushed by bots for consumes in classic wow, just like era did. With or without GDKP. Because of bots. Welcome to the thread mate! Glad you joined us. To be clear I’m not totally agreeing with you except to say bots are the problem.

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nobody ever said this wasnt the case, at least i didnt.

gdkp is not and never was the root problem, gold buyers are. if blizz was willing to perma buyers GDKP would not be an issue.

but they historically never have been willing to be that heavy handed with buyers and most likely never will be.

short of blizz being willing to do that, gdkp ban is absolutely the next best solution. its not perfect and it wont stop the incentive to bot/buy gold completely, but it will put a huge dent in demand and remove the forum by which whales are able to quickly and easily spread their rmt’d gold amongst 40 other players, to then be injected into the AH buying 40 peoples worth of consumes.

Can’t wait for all of WoW to get GDKP banned.

So many angry gdkp filthy gold buyers, deniers that the gold involved is tainted. “Just let me earn my money “. Nah you need to go out in the world and farm mats do quests or trade materials.

Also if you enjoy raiding do it without being paid.

Stop lying to yourself, and the community.

Clearly blizzard sees the issue with gdkps or they wouldn’t have blocked them.

Super stoked to report postings

Cheers :beers:


I still don’t get why ppl think that getting paid for raiding means they don’t enjoy the raid. I’ve seen plenty of gdkp leaders quit when they aren’t having fun just like anyone else. Playing in a gdkp is for fun because you are progging your character every raid without exception. If you didn’t get loot, you now have more dkp for next time to get something. That’s why people like it.

In wotlk I raid as an officer in a LC guild, helping guide my same guild since classic and maintaining a community through everything. We’ve even expanded that guild to run 3 ICCs and H RS, but interest is starting to flounder for many.

None the less, for some of us it hasn’t but we don’t want to spend all our lives organizing more raid rosters for our alts. Recruitment is hard because time slots, life, proper level gear for heroic content, etc.

So we gdkp on alts.

It’s 2x easier to organize and maintain than a whole nother guild roster.

That’s why traditional guilds are failing, they’re harder to maintain because people quit and heroic content isn’t friendly to new blood.

Tldr I want to play the game and enjoy it, not just the roster boss all week every week.

Organizing 60+ ppl every week is a lot. Being able to slide someone in that WANTS to fill because they have an incentive to is a godsend for the other 20+ players that want to enjoy playing the game in more than one raid.

Most of the people on these forums have never been a part of gdkp communities that basically operate as guilds outside of guilds. I raid with 20+ of the same ppl every Wednesday night in a gdkp. Making gold is not my priority, we push to regularly kill H LK and prog H RS. We have items for min bids plenty because we use gdkp as a loot system not a money making system. People spend heavier in the rarer items, and they’ve saved up for weeks for them so it even feels like dkp.

Gold dkp works best this way. It can be used as a primary guild loot system if you want and you’ll eventually split the gold of guildies to other guildies.

Everyone on here is so skeptical of posters and saying they must p2w and rmt. Anyone who has been playing since tbc or classic doesn’t need to. There is plenty of gold farmed up in the server economy that gets spread around. Some have used rmt sadly, and I don’t condone it but it won’t stop me from enjoying the game. In these runs it means I’ll likely be the second person to get an item instead of first and I’ll prioritize my pieces I aim for.

If they got banned for buying I’d be happier. I know some that have bought BECAUSE they don’t get banned, and that’s on blizzard for not getting their crap together for years.

Back to the original point, I want to play 3 raids a week and not RUN 3 raids a week and so gdkp makes my game more fun.