Source of RMT gold - Players buying materials from bots

We are not all allergic to actually playing the game.

Your “people won’t farm herbs for 6g an hour” is total bs. People will find sources of income that are worthwhile in game if you remove the massive, crushing incentive to bot that is gdkp.

Bots are not just free to run, if there is another server with a much larger pool of whale buyers and gdkp to fuel purchases, they will go there instead

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I fully understand it. Perhaps you don’t.

The issue is bots and RMT. People on this forum have constructed a strawman in the form of an argument about GDKP. In reality, the issue isnt GDKP at all and remains bot and RMT. Instread of attacking the actual problem Blizzard is attacking GDKP and acting as if they have addressed the problem.

Players and bots alike will do this.

Its n0t straw-man. Do you even know what a strawman fallacy is? LOL just stop buying gold…you wont get so angry about stuff like this.

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To be fair… Unless they are selling raw materials for real money… they aren’t technically RMT… or doing illegal means in terms of farming materials or consumables…

Botting obviously is the real issue that against TOS which this original poster should be looking at rather than looking at it from a auction house

Then you clearly don’t understand what attacking a strawman is. Which is your fault, not mine. Perhaps learn what these terms mean before trying to use them.

Now, let’s proceed to the fact that, yes, the issue being addressed is RMT. And the action blizzard is taking at the moment is to ban an activity that promotes RMT. That’s not attacking a strawman at all.

Do explain how it IS supposedly a strawman. I’ve already explained why it’s not, after all. Show everyone you understand the terms you like to use so much.

Do you? I’ve explained why I think it is. You’ve not explained anything

I am looking at it, read the OP

You dont get to simply declare an argument false without providing a counter argument. You’ve cut my quote short, said it is false, and act like you are intellectually superior. In reality you’ve argued nothing.

Finally an argument

You are saying in order to ban RMT they ban GDKP, an activity that sometimes includes RMT. This is a strawman because gdkp is not RMT and the original problem is RMT. Banning GDKP doesnt solve RMT. Banning RMT solves RMT.

Based on the feedback given in the interview today (2/6/24) combined with the fact that this post has over 1k comments and over 10k views I think it is safe to say they’ve read this feedback and have remained committed to the strawman argument against GDKP.
The legitimate GDKP player feedback does not appear to be valued. This thread is done and I’m signing out of the forums.

So you still don’t know what attacking a strawman actually is. You’re committed to falsely throwing around logical fallacies, while ignoring the fact a logical fallacy isn’t always wrong. Hence the existence of the fallacy fallacy.

Which I did. it’s not my fault you’re refusing to actually address points, before swooping up your skirt and flouncing away.

I’ve made a lot of arguments. So you either aren’t reading them, or are being dishonest about them. Neither of which makes you look like you’re rational, or logical.

Learning to read what I’ve posted would help you not attack strawmen you’ve tried to build.

Now, see, that’s ACTUALLY a strawman you created there.

That’s because it doesn’t exist.

Still mind blowing that you idiots think GDKP is the biggest perpetuator of gold buying. Ban GDKP but allow the open fly hacking to run rampant. Allow gold farmers to sit in trade and spam selling summons. Think about your economy this way. People will still buy gold, GDKP isnt around for farmers to steal their gold back and resell. How do they make that gold back now? The AH. They will raise prices since bots basically run the AH and make it eventually to where players have to buy gold just to afford consumables for the raid. Perpetuating more gold buying. Gold buying skyrocketed when sodapoppins guild got virtually no punishment for doing it openly on stream. So players realized blizzard didnt care about gold buying. Blizzard created the problem by allowing this for so long. And yet they still are not banning gold buyers or fly hackers or bots selling summons. Only idiots think banning GDKP will stop this. So yes Blizzard im calling you and 80% of your player base idiots.

Removing the auction house from the game would reduce demand for RMT, doesn’t mean Blizzard is going to do it.

Did i say to remove the AH? No, but if you want no RMT in your game then you would have to remove all group features and player to player features which would ruin the game. Even if you took out gold and the AH people would be selling arena ranks for money. So to eliminate RMT youd have to take away all features that allow you to interact with other players other than chat. The issue here is that blizzard doesnt enforce their ToS or blatant gold buyers and fly hackers wouldnt be around. You guys hating on a loot method doesnt fix the problem whatsoever. Hate on the developer that doesnt enforce their rules and allowed certain players to ruin their game.

Relevant thread now that we’re approaching a month into the phase.