Sound problems

Having popping noises coming from my Bose speakers only when I play World of Warcraft. This problem only happens when I try to use my speakers, when I put on my headset the sound quality is sublime. I’ve went on YouTube, Rome 2, Civilization 6 and all is well and fine, only happens on WoW. WoW sounds and music bring this game to life for me, please help!!


Hi Etari

Let’s try this fix that has helped with other sound issues.

If you navigate to the Wow folder retail folder then open the WTF folder. Look for your Config file. Right click then use Notepad to open. What you see is a long list of game Cvars.

On the list look for this setting.

SET Sound_NumChannels β€œxx” (the x’s could be 64 or 32 - depending on ingame settings)

Change the setting to 128. Should look like this then.

SET Sound_NumChannels β€œ128”

Close Notepad and save changes at prompt.

Now the caveat here is this may not work for older or underpowered systems. Basically you are telling your system to play up to 128 different sounds at once.

If that doesn’t help we should take a look at a DXDiag report:

The second section of page has DXDiag report instructions - we don’t require the MSinfo report.

That will be a wall of text. If you have issues pasting on the Forum here go ahead and put it up on Provide the link code portion of the URL - example below.

(The green bold portion of the link:**Qk28Ed1P**)

Well the problem was fixed for a few days and now it’s back. I don’t really understand what’s going on. The computer was custom built and cost me $4,000 just for the computer not including monitor, keyboard, mouse and Bose speakers. I bought in summer of 2017 and have used it only 7 months of the 2 years I’ve had it. When I set up the computer it was perfect, stopped playing for 6 months, came back to WoW and speakers were popping, but never with my headset only with my Bose speakers.

Let’s have a look at the DXDiag report next then Etari

I’m pretty computer illiterate, where is the WoW retail folder located?

It is found in the main Wow folder which is likely on your C: drive > Program Files (x86) - Wow should be installed there by default. The retail folder will be inside the main Wow folder.

SET portal β€œUS”
SET textLocale β€œenUS”
SET audioLocale β€œenUS”
SET agentUID β€œwow_enus”
SET hwDetect β€œ0”
SET videoOptionsVersion β€œ15”
SET gxWindow β€œ1”
SET gxMaximize β€œ1”
SET gxVSync β€œ1”
SET graphicsQuality β€œ5”
SET RAIDgraphicsQuality β€œ5”
SET farclip β€œ6000.000000”
SET horizonStart β€œ1400.000000”
SET particleDensity β€œ50.000000”
SET particleMTDensity β€œ70.000000”
SET waterDetail β€œ2.000000”
SET rippleDetail β€œ1.000000”
SET reflectionMode β€œ0.000000”
SET sunShafts β€œ1.000000”
SET refraction β€œ1.000000”
SET groundEffectDensity β€œ64.000000”
SET groundEffectDist β€œ160.000000”
SET projectedTextures β€œ1.000000”
SET shadowMode β€œ2.000000”
SET shadowTextureSize β€œ1024.000000”
SET shadowSoft β€œ0.000000”
SET SSAO β€œ1.000000”
SET DepthBasedOpacity β€œ1.000000”
SET textureFilteringMode β€œ4.000000”
SET terrainLodDist β€œ400.000000”
SET wmoLodDist β€œ350.000000”
SET terrainTextureLod β€œ0.000000”
SET terrainMipLevel β€œ0.000000”
SET worldBaseMip β€œ0.000000”
SET OutlineEngineMode β€œ1.000000”
SET lightMode β€œ2.000000”
SET lodObjectCullSize β€œ20.000000”
SET lodObjectCullDist β€œ30.000000”
SET lodObjectMinSize β€œ60.000000”
SET lodObjectFadeScale β€œ90.000000”
SET RAIDfarclip β€œ6000.000000”
SET RAIDWaterDetail β€œ2.000000”
SET RAIDSSAO β€œ1.000000”
SET RAIDDepthBasedOpacity β€œ1.000000”
SET RAIDgroundEffectDensity β€œ64.000000”
SET RAIDgroundEffectDist β€œ160.000000”
SET RAIDshadowMode β€œ2.000000”
SET RAIDterrainLodDist β€œ400.000000”
SET RAIDterrainTextureLod β€œ1.000000”
SET RAIDwmoLodDist β€œ350.000000”
SET RAIDterrainMipLevel β€œ0.000000”
SET RAIDworldBaseMip β€œ0.000000”
SET RAIDtextureFilteringMode β€œ4.000000”
SET RAIDprojectedTextures β€œ1.000000”
SET RAIDshadowTextureSize β€œ1024.000000”
SET RAIDshadowSoft β€œ0.000000”
SET RAIDreflectionMode β€œ0.000000”
SET RAIDrippleDetail β€œ1.000000”
SET RAIDsunShafts β€œ1.000000”
SET RAIDparticleDensity β€œ50.000000”
SET RAIDparticleMTDensity β€œ70.000000”
SET RAIDrefraction β€œ1.000000”
SET RAIDOutlineEngineMode β€œ1.000000”
SET RAIDLightMode β€œ2.000000”
SET RAIDlodObjectCullSize β€œ20.000000”
SET RAIDlodObjectCullDist β€œ30.000000”
SET RAIDlodObjectMinSize β€œ60.000000”
SET RAIDlodObjectFadeScale β€œ90.000000”
SET componentTextureLevel β€œ0.000000”
SET RAIDcomponentTextureLevel β€œ0.000000”
SET weatherDensity β€œ1.000000”
SET RAIDweatherDensity β€œ1.000000”
SET graphicsTextureResolution β€œ3.000000”
SET graphicsTextureFiltering β€œ5.000000”
SET graphicsViewDistance β€œ5”
SET graphicsEnvironmentDetail β€œ5”
SET graphicsGroundClutter β€œ5”
SET graphicsShadowQuality β€œ3.000000”
SET graphicsParticleDensity β€œ2.000000”
SET graphicsLightingQuality β€œ3.000000”
SET graphicsOutlineMode β€œ2.000000”
SET raidGraphicsTextureResolution β€œ3.000000”
SET raidGraphicsTextureFiltering β€œ5.000000”
SET raidGraphicsProjectedTextures β€œ2.000000”
SET raidGraphicsEnvironmentDetail β€œ5”
SET raidGraphicsGroundClutter β€œ5”
SET raidGraphicsShadowQuality β€œ3.000000”
SET raidGraphicsLiquidDetail β€œ3.000000”
SET raidGraphicsSunshafts β€œ2.000000”
SET raidGraphicsParticleDensity β€œ2.000000”
SET raidGraphicsSSAO β€œ2.000000”
SET raidGraphicsDepthEffects β€œ3.000000”
SET raidGraphicsLightingQuality β€œ3.000000”
SET raidGraphicsOutlineMode β€œ2.000000”
SET accountName ""
SET accountList β€œ!JACOBWILLETTE|”
SET playIntroMovie β€œ7”
SET engineSurvey β€œ4”
SET raidOrBattleCount β€œ30”
SET mouseSpeed β€œ1”
SET Gamma β€œ1.000000”
SET Sound_OutputDriverName β€œSpeakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)”
SET Sound_EnableErrorSpeech β€œ0”
SET Sound_MusicVolume β€œ1”
SET Sound_AmbienceVolume β€œ1”
SET Sound_ZoneMusicNoDelay β€œ1”
SET ffxAntiAliasingMode β€œ3”
SET gameTip β€œ101”
SET cameraDistanceMaxFactor β€œ1.8999999761581”
SET gxApi β€œD3D11”
SET Sound_MasterVolume β€œ1”
SET consolidateBuffs β€œ0”
SET characterFrameCollapsed β€œ0”
SET CACHE-WQST-QuestV2RecordCount β€œ31389”
SET CACHE-WQST-QuestV2HotfixCount β€œ4”
SET CACHE-WQST-QuestObjectiveRecordCount β€œ30817”
SET CACHE-WQST-QuestObjectiveHotfixCount β€œ28”
SET CACHE-WQST-QuestObjectiveXEffectRecordCount β€œ8601”
SET CACHE-WQST-QuestObjectiveXEffectHotfixCount β€œ25”
SET CACHE-WGOB-GameObjectsRecordCount β€œ59380”
SET CACHE-WGOB-GameObjectsHotfixCount β€œ5”
SET statCategoriesCollapsed β€œbB”
SET uiScale β€œ0.64999997615814”
SET mountJournalFilters β€œβ€
SET expandUpgradePanel β€œ0”
SET Sound_SFXVolume β€œ0.80000001192093”
SET Sound_OutputDriverIndex β€œ3”
SET gxRefresh β€œ50000/1000”
SET graphicsProjectedTextures β€œ2.000000”
SET graphicsLiquidDetail β€œ3.000000”
SET graphicsSunshafts β€œ2.000000”
SET graphicsSSAO β€œ2.000000”
SET graphicsDepthEffects β€œ3.000000”
SET spellClutterRangeConstant β€œ20.000000”
SET spellClutterRangeConstantRaid β€œ20.000000”

This is what was in that file, I didn’t even see the SET SOUND_NumChannels that you had mentioned

It looks like the Cvars have been changed. I no longer have that setting as well. Let’s have a look at a DXDiag next we can get back to that sound setting later. Follow the instructions I posted above.

Can you also paste a copy of the Sound log. If you go to the Wow folder > retail folder > Logs folder > Sound file.

I have a very similar problem. When using a headset the sound quality is great, but when changing to speakers is frankly horrible. I though my speakers were damaged, but I found this thread and I want to see if you can help me, Tratt.