Sound effects still playing even when disabled?

After this latest update (patch 10.0.7) having an issue with the mobile app with sound effects playing even when I have them toggled off on iOS. Force quit the app, toggled effects on and back off with no change. Anyone having this issue or just me?


Same! I wondered if I’d have trouble in finding others, but Google brought you and a European player right at the top before I even looked anywhere else.

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The “Enable SFX” option does not work correctly. When you first launch the app, whether or not this option is checked, there will be sound effects. If you go and check it, then uncheck it, the sound effects will turn off but only until you switch characters or restart the app. Please fix.

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Hi all,

Thanks for the reports! We have eyes on this and it will be resolved in an upcoming release.

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And when will that be? This version seems to have quite a few bugs in it.