Soulshatter Clan now recruiting! (ED)

I’ve been a part of this guild for quite some time now, and I am proud to be a member of it. The clan is very family like and tight knit. Yet we are very welcoming to new players, and people within our guild/disc. Our members are very helpful and knowledgable in-game. Often I see our members trying to help fresh 120s and new guildies gear from mythic 10s or arena.

Our rp is pretty on point compared to other guilds on the server. I also appreciate how even though majority of the servers community jumped ship for classic; these guys still remain trying to breathe life back into it.

Just to wrap this up, I can’t wait to see what is in store for the future! LONG LIVE THE CLAN

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are you trying to poach the rppvpers off of wra because the ones on ED all went to join the grob squad?

We’ve had a handful of people swap off of WrA and MG to join our guild already. We figured we’d throw up some recruitment posts here as well in case any others want to make the transition to our guild.
To answer your question abut why, yes, we are here to “poach” the rppvpers because all the main ones(the one who calls himself Joseph Stalin and his gaggle of misfits) left for Classic(good riddance).

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can always just xfer to wra and call it a day since ED aint workin out

We would rather not leave everyone behind. We already have a pretty active guild, averaging at 20 players online at a time, and we have brought up this idea before, but nobody wants to leave everything behind.

We also would lose the PVP aspect of the RP because WrA isn’t known for its rppvp.


between you and me I think wra still has more rppvp going for it than ED, and thats saying a lot

I haven’t found any on my WrA toons. All I see is normal rp and most people there have warmode off.

its hard times for the rppvp crew. keep fighting the good fight my brothers


Thanks brotha!

I see no reason to be scared of what warlocks offering free food and drinks is.

We still need Fel-Trolls

what kind of cult is this

If you don’t like ED and want to join my guild here is the link:


My opponent is a liar and cannot be trusted

Bump because my gm threatened me.

This still a thing? If so, I might return to WoW and give it a go.

Dis Wyrmrest Accord.

welcome back, Zenrao! You were missed!

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I was struck down, but now I am more powerful than you could possibly imagine.

It is! Xavadar#1868 is my btag if you want more info or got questions!
Discord is Dragrosh#1727 as well!

This is a Wyrmrest accord drive thru