its hard times for the rppvp crew. keep fighting the good fight my brothers
Thanks brotha!
I see no reason to be scared of what warlocks offering free food and drinks is.
We still need Fel-Trolls
what kind of cult is this
If you don’t like ED and want to join my guild here is the link:
My opponent is a liar and cannot be trusted
Bump because my gm threatened me.
This still a thing? If so, I might return to WoW and give it a go.
Dis Wyrmrest Accord.
welcome back, Zenrao! You were missed!
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I was struck down, but now I am more powerful than you could possibly imagine.
It is! Xavadar#1868 is my btag if you want more info or got questions!
Discord is Dragrosh#1727 as well!
This is a Wyrmrest accord drive thru