Soulshape Druid Macro

Hello friends! My apologies if this has already been answered. I have been searching for the last few hours.

Is it possible to have a macro that shifts into Travel Form if able, Soulshape if not, flicker if in soulshape, and lastly into Cat Form if none of the other options are currently available?


Can’t do that part.

As for the rest…

/cast [swimming] [outdoors] Travel Form; Soulshape

Well darn it!

Thank you

I haven’t been able to try it yet but try this:

/cast [form:41] Flicker
/cast [nocombat,outdoors][nocombat,swimming] Travel Form
/castsequence [stance:0/1/2/4] reset=120 Soulshape, Cat Form
/cast [stance:3] Travel Form

So what each line does:

  1. If you are in Soulshape (form ID = 41), it will cast Flicker.
  2. If you are out of combat and outdoors or swimming, it will cast Travel Form.
  3. If you are not in Travel Form, in an area you normally can’t or wouldn’t mount in, or in combat, it will cast Soulshape. If your Soulshape goes on cooldown, it will let you cast Cat Form instead. Upon Soulshape coming off cooldown (reset=120), it will allow you to cast Soulshape again.
  4. If you are already in Travel Form, it will only give you the ability to cancel Travel Form.

The idea here is that

  1. If you are in an area where you can’t mount, you can cast Soulshape and then Cat Form. While Soulshape is active, you’ll be able to use Flicker and then Cat Form will be available to you when Soulshape goes on cooldown. If the area you’re in doesn’t cause Soulshape to go on cooldown, you’ll just be able to Flicker to your heart’s content.
  2. If you are able to use it, you have Travel Form available.
  3. When you enter into combat you can cast Soulshape and then Flicker. When Soulshape wears off, you can enter Cat Form or just wait for Soulshape to come off cooldown.

I think the way this is written, you should be able to use this macro in any shapeshift form you want and obtain the desired effect.

I edited the macro a bit to make it fewer characters. I think it still works.

Soulshape is form 7.

The whole thing could be condensed to the following

/castsequence [form:7] Flicker; [form:3] [nocombat,outdoors] [nocombat,swimming] Travel Form; reset=120 Soulshape, Cat Form

Also, be advised that reset= in castsequences is time since last press, not time since initial cast.

True but with two spells in a castsequence, you normally set the reset=<cooldown spell 1>. This will ensure that if you choose not to use spell 2, spell 1 becomes available as soon as possible. Should you use spell 2, it will reset the line to spell 1 regardless. Generally want to put shorter cooldown spells in spell 1 slot.

Also a cool thing about this macro is when you’re in combat as Feral doing DPS. You’ll have Soulshape/Flicker available to you as an additional avoidance ability and can go straight back to Cat Form after use. This way you have both this and Sprint available to you :slight_smile:

hello! if someone having issues with this macro(sticky with cat form) i just find out that you need to learn all FORMS to make this work correctly… you need to go to legion in to THE DREAMGROVE then talk to Amurra Thistledew she will sell you all required forms like " Tome of the Wilds: Treant Form" to make this amazing macro works fine… i took me a day to find out what was wrong…

if this doesn’t work, a simple WeakAura can tell you. I made one myself in 30 seconds.
text aura,
trigger: player/unit info → stance/form/aura

then display text, “%1.form”
that will show you your current form id