<Soulbound> AOTC focused LF Social/M+ players

:tipping_hand_woman: About Us

Our guild is a welcoming and lively community that enjoys socializing. Our primary objective is to achieve AOTC for every raid tier and engage in M+ dungeons. Over the course of multiple expansions, we have worked towards these goals together. Furthermore, we participate in various other games as a group outside of WoW, and we have several social events on Discord that our members enjoy participating in.

:mantelpiece_clock: Times

We raid Friday and Saturday nights from 10 PM to 1 AM Server Time (EST).

Past Progression:

  • VotI - 8/8 N, 8/8 H
  • AtSC - 9/9 N, 9/9 H
  • AtDH - 9/9 N, 9/9H
  • Awakened raids - AOTC all 3

Current Progression:

  • NP - 8/8 N, 5/8 H

:white_check_mark: Requirements

  • Big Wigs or Deadly Boss Mods.
  • Good attendance.
  • Ability to play your class at an AOTC level.
  • Show up 10 mins early for invites prepared/repaired.

:speaking_head: Recruiting

  • Tanks - Closed :x:
  • Healers - Closed :x:
  • Melee DPS - Closed :x:
  • Ranged DPS - Closed :x:


We require everyone to have food, flasks, potions, enchants, etc. However, we usually provide feasts, enchants, and cauldrons.

:email: Contact Us

If you are interested in joining us or have any questions about our guild, please feel free to reach out to any of our officers thru in game/BNet:

  • Silvercløud (Silvercloud#1207) - GM
  • Stormiegwen (Gwendabell#1674) - Officer
  • Mallecks - Raid Leader
  • Poggerdinger - Officer
  • Fiddlestix - Officer

We can also be found in game thru the guild finder!
As a note, we’re also open to those just looking to be social and not raid!

We’re still searching for some DPS =)

AotC DK here (iLvl 211) who is looking for weekend group. If interested, add my btag (buckeyes#11437).

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Still recruiting DPS slots. Currently progressing thru heroic Sire Denathrius into phase 3.

We’re still on the look out for some more dps to add to our roster!

Bumping for SoD Heroic raids. =)

Still looking for some DPS for heroic sanctum!

We still have some room for some friends to join us in raid =)

Got room for some more raiders who wanna clear Heroic SoD with us!

Now 9/10H SoD. Still on the lookout for raiders =)

Bumping, looking for a few more.

Still could use some more DPS for raids! ^^

Bumping. We could still use some friendly DPS for raids!

Still recruiting!! ^.^

Got space for DPS looking for a cozy small community focused on AOTC!

Bumping ^.^

Bumping this up. We’re currently is our down phase of doing alt and achievement runs/m+ and some other fun community activities. We’re definitely looking to recruit more friends for Sepulcher!

Still looking?

We’re starting up recruitment again in prep for patch 9.2.

bumping for 9.2 recruitment =)