Soul Swap Removal Explained?

Is there any explanation of the removal of soul swap? Its such a key part of the rotation and its just gone. Is there some kind of major damage buff I’m missing? I feel like there is no way I can spread dots in PvP effectively without it, especially with most healers just tanking UA damage and dispelling everything. feels like its going to be really unfun to play.

someone had an excellent suggestion to make seed of corruption a choice node with soul swap.

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We really do need answers for this imo. And I REALLY like the idea of SoC and SS being a choice node, especially since you would NEVER cast SoC in arena or really hardly ever in PvP period.


I am glad I’m not the only one that noticed this. I was literally just in a bg and reached for soul swap and it’s just not there. not on my bars, not in my spell book, and not in talent trees.

It resulted in me being killed by a hunter and 2 other alliance…


I did get an answer of a positive change to make up for this after playing some games. If you get locked on UA you can still cast malefic rapture. (if you get locked on malefic rapture you’re locked on everything.) while that is nice my damage and burst are much lower than they were before. in fact there is really not much burst at all and I feel like the dot upkeep is pretty taxing. I definitely preferred the gameplay with soul swap

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Soul swap is way too useful for me strategically. I can evade if I get locked out of shadow magic. but I can’t make up for the saved time it takes to get my dots up while malefic rupture is so critical. We need way more compensation than just splitting two spells in lockouts.


Yeah, I really enjoyed Lock on Beta but now on retail without Hero Talents to distract me, I found myself really missing Soul Swap.


They’ve been continuously removing Soul Swap and then readding it back in the game for almost a decade now. It’s so annoying. Just leave the spell in the game FFS. If someone doesn’t want to use it, then they shouldn’t put on their bars. Why does Blizz hate giving warlocks choices??


Its back in latest beta build as PVP talent


I saw that too. You know what… I’ll take it. It’s not perfect, but nothing is. Feel bad for people who affliction in PvE since they still won’t have a 2 target cleave helper, but its a start!

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20 year affliction main here. So yea basically what Blizz does is takes the overwhelming feedback of the community and uses that to make decisions.

Community says we hate Malefic Rapture, so clearly the step Blizz is going to make is to center the entire spec around MR gameplay…clearly

Community says we would like soul swap to be like the original version with no cd where you could spread to multiple players. Obviously that means it should be removed, as Blizz knows whats best for us… Clearly

I personally dont have an issue with MR but removing soul swap makes it extremely hard to start my damage. Im not happy with this at all tbh. I would also like an explanation but you know we dont ever deserve anything from Blizz because we arent melee


I have to agree with all of this. Making it a pvp talent means we have to pick it over something that may be more beneficial. Soul Swap should be baseline for affliction. It’s as important to our job in a raid or on a battlefield as shadow bolt or drain soul.


Guess ill stay destruction