Soul Link is Dealing more damage to the Pet than intended IN RAID

This is an odd one, as far as i managed to understood it, it only happens in raids and i don’t quite understand why it happens.

But apparently, the damage the pet is taking from Soul Link is a lot larger than 10% of the damage taken, its closer to something like 35%?

Even weirder, this seems to be only the damage taken, not the redistribution either.

Let me show some evidence.

warcraftlogs. com/reports/mhaBwGfTzW2qJvZg#fight=7&type=damage-taken&source=48&view=events Damage taken by the warlock

warcraftlogs. com/reports/mhaBwGfTzW2qJvZg#fight=7&type=damage-taken&source=60&view=events Damage done by Soul Link to the pet.

Now, the first 4 damage instances do look correct, B.Rush did 23k to the warlock and redirected 2.3k to the pet (the damage originally being around 25k)

But when we look at the damage done by bosses like 00:15.044 Seismic Assault and the Correspondent Soul Link at 00:15.071 we notice the damage taken by the warlock (98k) and the damage redistributed to the Pet (34k) are much closer to a proportion of 35% than one of 10%.

And due to this, pets are dying.


  • Only in Raid
  • Soul Link Damage distribution looks wrong
  • This cause pets to die

OBS: after some consideration, and someone pointing this to me…it could be tied to the Awakened Scalling.