Soul Led Astray

I completed this quest after finishing the Kyrian covenant campaign and there is a bug that does not allow you to turn in the quest after the campaign has been complete. The comments at wowhead said the only thing we can currently do is create a bug report, so here I am submitting my bug report.


Same here. Completed Soul Led Astray, but Thenios, Paragon of Wisdom is still sitting with Uther, "deep in thought’ with the Contemplation buff on him. This is as he was before viewing the memory in the soul mirror. After viewing the memory, instead of him standing where the yellow question mark shows on the mini map, he remains seated in deep thought. Cannot complete quest. I have also completed the Kyrian covenant campaign already.

Posted that on wrong character - this is the character affected. Not sure if that matters to Blizzard but in case I guess.

I’m experiencing the same issue. I have also completed my convenant campaign.

I am having the same problem. I have completed this quest with other toons, but this one can not complete the quest (Soul Led Astray).

The toon I am referring to is Hannsdaren, not Hannsdamage.

Same here. On my paladin Holymolli

Experiencing the same issue described above. Kyrian Campaign complete, question mark to turn in on the map, unable to turn in quest at the location.

Yeah I have the same issue, it’s the only quest in my log book that is ready to turn in.

i have the same issue. standing there now and no hand in.

Same issue, Tehnios remains phased and quest cannot be completed.
I have fully completed the Kyrian covenant quest line and my understanding is that is what causes the Tehnios phasing issue.

June 7th 2021 and still having the same issue. Hopefully more likes and replies will bring more attention to this? As Biakabutuka mentioned I believe the cause is finishing the campaign before finishing this side quest.

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