Soul Harvester ruined, why?

Because of an easily fixed (but wasn’t of course) AoE “exploit”?

No one was talking about Soul Harvester or making videos about it for the most part, it had no “buzz” in the beta…

I really liked it as a hero spec interacting with foundational mechanics, even planned on maining it for TWW and now it is utter trash, Worthless and I cannot understand why?

Back to square one for TWW main…

What the hek??

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Soul harvester has always been behind hell caller and diabolist. plz explain more as to what your issue is because at the moment all you have said is you dont like but nothing els

Bilescourge bombers from Soul Invocation for Demonology could proc from the DoT from Shared Fate, and it would proc a lot doing tons of damage.

It looks like they are making it so Soul Invocation can’t proc from DoTs now.

yes I know that and I didnt know this person wanted you to answer for them

If you knew the answer you would not have demanded an explanation.

the original poster said nothing as to that just stated they dont like now. I can now see it was to much for your one brain sell to pick up on my bad dude

So if I’m reading this right, OP is throwing a fit about no longer knowing what to play because they changed the intricacies of a talent to not double dip with another talent?

I mean soul harvester is pretty much dead for usage as demo play. So it isn’t wrong, sure you can play it but it’s going to do much worse DPS/gameplay wise in comparison to demoniac.

Also gotta laugh at that change that they did for soul harvester to give you 3 soul shards on tyrant cool down usage. Jeeeeesus developers that’s something that should have been baseline to tyrant not a hero talents. Come on guys, damn shame.

But sure give other class/specs things baseline that are actually good and fun meanwhile I think our class got like 2 spells baseline some of which were frown upon. And others that are practically useless.

They took one of our baseline spells to added to the class talent tree.

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They basically ruined demonic soul for demo.

Man, the demo rework is really disappointing.

No 2 talent nodes? Who cares when most of the nodes are this does x more damage? Who cares about 1 sou shard every 2 min, who cares about vilefiend but slightly better.

Now harvester is also boring.

They should have just kept the s1 demo and improved it, instead only destro was the spec that was ACTUALLY improved. Affliction was also improved, but not so much that it makes me say wow.

Are you the new Snosex or something

lol. irony.

I guess they might be upset because, as is usual, they emergency fixed a beneficial warlock talent interaction. They probably were hoping to get the melee treatment for once and have it left alone.

Nah, he didn’t call the OP a trash player while being fairly clueless himself. Can’t be.

lmao That name is great. I haven’t seen him in a hot min.

oh cool yet another person with nothing to of value or meaning to say. its so funny I ask for clarity on why this person was unhappy and I get met with the most ignorant responses this is great keep it coming im have a good laugh at this

I mean 2 talent wouldn’t such a bad thing as long as those 2 point talents did multiple things. Not hey you get 3% more damage or just higher chance or a few percentages of more crit.

2 talent points nodes should have a secondary conditions to them not x more of this. Some specs getting damage and a conditions on just some 1 point nodes so I’m not sure what the issues is with this.

I’m still not sure why the devs felt the need to turn soul strike into a 2 point talent when the one before was completely fine.

That talent reduces cast time for soul stone/create healthstone should have never been a talent, should of been something baseline and thats not even something thats enhancing utility or rotational, it’s a qol that they turned into a talent.

Lastly why is unending resolve still on a 3 mind CD at this game state where plenty specs have gotten reduced cool downs on their defensives. ?? Get rid of the talent that reduces its CD and turn it into a 2 min CD. To include this talent use to be baseline in previous expansions 40% damage reduction but they then decided to rip a 15% damage reduction from it and turned it into a talent.


It was not double dipping, it was working as intended.

The bilescourge bombers from Soul Invocation can proc off of DoTs but the only DoT Demonology has right now is Corruption and that is never used so the interaction of Soul Invocation with DoTs hasnt been a problem until now.

Soul Invocation not proccing from DoTs and Demonic Soul not reducing the shard cost and increasing imps from Hand of Guldan means Soul Harvester is completely dead for Demonology.

Blizzard’s short sighted knee jerk reaction nerfing has destroyed Doom and an entire hero talent tree. Good job Blizzard.


Peeved they didn’t make tier sets around hero talents. Could’ve had interesting interactions with succy souls buffing the demons you spawn. It seems odd that soul harvester doesn’t increase your soul shard cap, not that it would be a huge difference but it would at least give a minor niche for certain content where you have more wiggle room to pool

Yeah no way that doom is going to see much play in pve with having to talent 3 to 4 points into to make 1 talent worthwhile with also having to get a doom guard that is only single target with low single target damage and also only on a low proc chance when doom explodes attached to low rate of demon core procs.

They could have kept it the doom guard with the AOE on a chance proc or 100% chance on proc if it’s staying just as single target. But nope lets give players a heavily nerf Dragon Flight tier set that only does single target damage while also heavily nerfing core procs. So they gave us a tier that is triple nerfed with a cost of 3 to 4 talent points. :rofl:

But sure let’s give other dps specs their tiers bonus with at max only 2 points talent cost for full usage with just no nerfs to it.

I think I prefer the active doom ability though. But they wanted to force low usage of it through our lowered demon core procs. They didn’t like the sniping smart player were using and this is when people were just running heroics when mobs died so fast you can barely use your rotations. On 10+ mythic or mythic raids this wouldn’t have been the case buts its w.e.