Sorry Guys

I mean a spammable 60% health heal is probably the definition of forgiving tbh… what more do you want explained?..

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Holy crap can you two kiss already the tension is killing me.


Holy Priest is broken. Is there something you want me to explain to you?

Yet you clearly DO read and DO reply to every. single. one. of. them. I’m not gonna speak for everyone, but it’s pretty obvious you’re the only one seemingly unaware that you continue to gobble up every last morsel of bait dangled in front of you. Like, no one’s fooled except for you trying to act not fooled, and it’s a pretty awkward (yet highly entertaining) sight to behold.


That’s frickin’ GOLD.

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I may have skimmed a bit. You caught me. I have no excuse.

My biggest concern is pushing this thread to 300+ comments.

Ya it’s cool no sweat. 300 comments sounds alright. “Lead with the chin” threads created by people ill-equipped to handle what’s sure to follow are always pretty entertaining ways to pass the time while taking a dump.

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Hey remember he said this

Looking at his gear that’s quite a few pve pieces he is rocking there.

As well as the claw and a lot of haste.

The amount of hypocritical off this dude is staggering

Why you gotta make me feel guilty



Idk why you felt the need to say what I said but in a different way lol… nah I’m good I dont need any explanations on holy…

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This thread got - trashed - pretty fast :drum:


Can’t trash something that started as trash.

Stop shoving your trust level in our faces!

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Sounds like you also like to play imagination while you take a dump.


You really shouldn’t talk about yourself this way.

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So witty with the middle school insults.

Guess you finally broke and started to pve.

Awful lot of pve gear you got there.

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ur acutally that fkn awful kid lmfao ive put u on the farm before

It’s not 60% because of dampening and ms… and they have to time it when taking burst or they fall behind…

no they dont

gheal is a faster cast than non infusion hpal holy light with haste amps

and you likely cant commit stops to the hpriest because xd fire xd destro xd urdead