this is probably the worst one so far
Are you mad? It’s awesome!
One man’s trash is another’s…
I freaking LOVE this. YES to more gloves/boots that give me CLAWS.
it looks like questing greens
It looks pretty similar to the Evoker set to me, shoulder-claws angled downwards.
Evoker one is missing its helm, though.
Looks like Tim Burton’s take on Tim Curry in Legend after an poorly worded AI prompt was used.
I feel like that as a term of criticism is pretty useless these days as we get some amazing questing sets. Have you seen the arathi ones?
No doubt the best questing greens we’ll ever see. At least so far anyway.
Glad that leveling gear isn’t just trash to be forgotten about anymore lol.
Looks like an outfit an Anime Villain named after an appliance would wear. Therefore it is awesome!
Still a step above Hunter just barely so…can’t say it’s the worst.
I feel like this one’s not complete, the waist being a bare, flat belt stands out a bit too much.
Looks fine beyond that though.
I’m kinda afraid to find out what those chest rings do on female characters.
arathor stuff will definitely blues not greens
Looks decent, except the…boots? Footwraps with claw inserts? Whatever those are supposed to be.
tomb of sargeras did it better
This set is currently missing Belt and Effects. Stay tuned to Wowhead for further updates
Don’t get me wrong I don’t love it. But I think with spell effects the shoulders and helm will be really stand-out.
Huh, I think that’s pretty cool. Way better than that hunter trash that was posted a few days ago, that was yikes.
im pretty sure the effect will be something like the nighthold warrior mythic set.
Demon hunters just killed a nerubian, wore it as a skin suit, and called it a day. Will the arachnophobia filter work on this set?