Sophic Devotion

Just got this enchant, figured it would have a decent proc rate, since its 90k on the AH…

Tested on dummy, got one proc in 3 mins… 7% uptime

Tested in Solo Shuffle, 1 proc in 6 games, 4% uptime

im playing arms, assuming it procs of auto attacks only?

Anyone have better success with this with faster attacks? this is very underwhelming for supposed bis wep enchant…

Buy the cheaper version


why would that be more effective? i dont think it would.

The difference is not noticeable, they really sucked. I has rank 2 version.

Yikes glad I did not buy this. I remember in SL things like Celestial Guidance or the Sinful enchants were usually like 150g lol.

Will wait for the sellers to calm down before I buy sophic, or I just won’t ever buy it. World first raid is over and we already won so there is no way I am going to spend 90k g on a weapon enchant… it looks like it’s prob of similar power (or less given what you’re saying) to the sl ones anyhow

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enchant won’t go down given the issue with the mats needed, glowing titan orbs are such a dumb mat.

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I have about 30% uptime on it as rdruid. Maybe its bugged for some classes.

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it’s more cost effective.

It’s very clearly bugged for arms warriors, idk if fury is also bugged. But I’m also never seeing higher then 15% uptime. Some rounds in SS it doesn’t proc at all. Frozen devotion seems to work fine though.

The ret pally in SS was getting double the uptime easily, hitting 35% sometimes, which I’ve never gotten close to.

The orbs are easy. I farmed a dozen in 20 minutes then other day. The awakened order is tougher imo.

awakened order is easy if you make a rousing farmer toon (enchanting miner) and just focus on gathering molten/primal/hardened/titan touched nodes.

Orb drop chance got ninja giga buffed, back when I commented you were lucky if one dropped a single one in an hour of farming which is why back then each of them were at 30k, then dropped to 10k and now are at 900g

That might be a minute because of all the hoops and obsticles you have to go through just to make the rank 3 enchant.

The markets pricing on Resonant crystals is still relatively high to.