Is anyone else getting a bugged interaction between the Soothing Mist and Instant Cast spells? I am noticing that around 50% of the time, i will start casting SoothingMist and then go to instant Enveloping and it will stop channeling and start hard casting the Enveloping.
No I haven’t encountered this problem yet.
Do you maybe have problems with your keyboard? A friend of mine has it being bugged so he happens to walk a few steps when pressing a hotkey (hardware issue).
Do you maybe have similar issues, maybe when you are typing/chatting?
Or do you maybe have overlapping hotkeys?
neither of those things applies. Have two different keyboards, both extremely high quality, both never give me any ghosting or rollover issues.
I have thought about hotkeys, but it doesnt make sense that they would overlap at all.
Ghosting would have been my biggest guess, hmm.
So lag-spikes are probably not the issue as well?
And your mouse doesn’t interfere neither? (Both mouse buttons together let your character move. Does it maybe behave weird? Was once an issue for me)
Else I can’t really think of any reason other than a software bug if this occurs so often, sorry.
Check to see if self cast is on in settings? ( turn it off and check the self cast key, it can mess with vuhdo and possibly the default UI’s click casting I think )
I think I had a similar issue when I would cast Soo-Env through Vuhdo with self cast on and had no actual target, but im not sure now.
If you dont have anyone targeted it might be trying to EnvMist you instead kinda thing.
If you use macros maybe there is an issue there?
To expand on this, the only time I see this kind of thing OP is when channeling soothing on target A but somehow targetting target B is when this interaction happens
So for anyone with a similar issue, after much testing, i found out that the blizzard mouse over function was the culprit. I tested the feature and bunch and its buggy at best, and completely broken most of the time. It was cancelling my soothing mist and hard casting EnvM even when i was not targeted or moused over any player or their raid/party frame. Tested with auto self cast both on and off. Did the same thing.
This is happening to me as well. Have you found a solution?
I’m not having this issue. I did some arenas yesterday as a mistweaver and did not see this happen, or at all this expansion.
I’m using the default “mouseover” option from Settings > Combat > Mouseover. It’s bound to my 1, 2, 3 buttons.
Maybe there’s something specific to how you experienced it, such as location or keybinds?
Hey all, I was having this issue and I realized I had forgotten to bind Soothing Mist to Clique (my mouseover addon). As soon as I did that, it fixed it.