Soothing Darkness PVP reduction

Currently, Soothing Darkness is nerfed to 15% hp when you Vanish in PVP combat as opposed to the tooltip, which reads 30%.

Now that Soothing Darkness no longer includes Shadow Dance and Vanish being nerfed to 1.5 sec, I think it would be fair to bring it back to a 30% heal after using Vanish. For a 2min CD, its healing is awful, especially when you consider there is almost always a heal reduction of some sort in PVP, whether it be dampening or mortal wounds.


I think originally it was 8% in pvp when it also included shadow dance. This is the buffed version… lol

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yea revert shooting darkness nerf to 30% and proc when Dance if you removed our CDR.


darkest night is also stealth nerfed in pvp
couldn’t find a patch note saying it’s 19% instead of the usual 60%, but there you go
nerfed into oblivion
not even a round number christ my OCD is flaring up again