Soooo.... when do we get awesome villian songs?

Everyones talkin about the disneyfication of WoW or whatever and I’m just curious at what stage do we get awesome villian songs? Like kinda hoping it’s before War Within so we can get an awesome number from Xal’atath ngl :dracthyr_comfy_sip:


If they’re like this, then hopefully soon.

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That’s old Disney. NuDisney, there are no villains.

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Right after we get some better sea shanties. :heart: :pirate_flag: :heart:

Ah the second link was the one I was looking for.

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If this was added to Shadowlands Jailer would instantly go from trash villian to ok Villian 100% :dracthyr_nod:

You stole my joke, I was the first one to claim it’s not disney because the game isn’t a musical yet. I’m protesting this thread and demanding a refund :placard: :rage:

Warbringers: Jaina - YouTube

It somewhat did happen already though. Just not in game.

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I’d pay for a version of Be Prepaired sung by Arthas, or even better: Hellfire from Hunchback sung by The Jailer.

That’s something I think we could all get behind.


I think we need TBC with a new boyband songs done by Illidan and the Bloodelves called “You are not Prepared” Yes the band would be called illidan and the Bloodelves.

Blood Elves could just fill in for the hyenas.


I want to play a villain tired of being a goodie two shoes. Make it happen Blizz! Let us be destructive!

They tried, we got to burn a tree, then everyone got mad.

I was mostly ok with it.

Funnily, if you play through the Night Elf story, the tree was a mess. No one would bless it because it was viewed as an abomination, and it was cursed with a demonic infestation… The Horde probably did everyone a favor.


Oh is that true? I thought it was just the Felwood tree. I guess I got my lore mixed up some.

There are some races that are still considered enemies of Azeroth.

Druid of The Flame
Man’ari Draenei (not all of them want to turn over a new leaf)
Leper gnomes

The list goes on for choices as of races that can be playable villains.

Heck, let them all band together to destroy Horde and Alliance.

Kel Thuzad:

Gosh it disturbs me to see you, Arthas.
Looking so down in the dumps.

Every ghoul here’d love to be you, Arthas.
Even when taking your lumps.

There’s no one in Icecrown as admited as you.
You’re everyone’s favorite guy.

Everyone’s awed and inspired by you.
And its not very hard to see why!


I always envision Yogg-saron busting out ‘Mean Green Mother from Outer Space’ when Loken confronts him about the Curse of Flesh.

Xavius singing, ‘You’re only second rate’ when he defeats Malfurion in Val’sharah.

Xavius can also sing, ‘In the Dark of the Night’ when he comes back as a Satyr during the War of the Ancients. It is a retroactive Disney Villain Song :stuck_out_tongue:

Only if he also sings Feed Me as a duet with Loken.

Written and sung by Illidan StormRage.

(Verse 1)
♪ Oh, adventurers, listen here, heed my call, don’t you fear, ♪
♪ In this world of Warcraft, battles near, your strength will appear! ♪

♪ You are not prepared, but fear not, don’t despair, ♪
♪ Train and fight, show your might, in this world so rare! ♪

(Verse 2)
♪ Through dungeons deep and realms unknown, our destinies are surely sewn, ♪
♪ Your courage, your will, like seeds they’re sown, victory will be shown! ♪

♪ You are not prepared, but fear not, don’t despair, ♪
♪ Train and fight, show your might, in this world so rare! ♪

♪ The demons rage, the skies ablaze, but together, we’ll face these days, ♪
♪ With allies strong, in every way, we’ll triumph, come what may! ♪

♪ You are not prepared, but fear not, don’t despair, ♪
♪ Train and fight, show your might, in this world so rare! ♪

♪ So heed my words, with courage bared, face the challenges that are shared, ♪
♪ You are not prepared, but victory’s glint is in the air! ♪