SOOO, rushers are screwing people on boss rewards

So, just had a warrior rush ahead, I’m a 44 druid, so I can move reasonably fast, I try staying with 3 other players because I was the tank and needed to make sure they were okay. Warrior runs through clears it all, kills last boss and we all missed on last boss reward.

It’s ridiculous. At least make it so we get the reward. Can’t make this kind of incompetent development up really. Come on, wake up blizzard.

I’ve decided to not even do the dungeons. I’ll level via questing instead and gear up that way. There’s always something with these developers. Give me the old developers any day of the week. I wouldn’t have cared so much if we actually got rewarded from the last boss.

Blizzard complains about toxic players, then enables them with their rubbish game design.


I haven’t seem the rewards not be mailed to players in remix. Did you check?


I checked. Nothing there.


They hotfixed that bug.

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What bug is it?

Mailing loot to people ineligible due to not tagging the bosses. Have to participate to get loot.


Ah I see. Cheers.

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Options are:

Either don’t DPS anything just run and keep up

Or kick


Well I know the options lol. I just think it’s bad game design.


I learned to just stop caring. I just take my daily quest completion. For leveling, you’re better off making normal raids.


I wouldn’t care if I was rewarded for it. I was chasing down the speed runner, but I saw the healer take damage, so I went back to do my job (tank) lol. I might just stick to questing and see if it get better at 70. If not, I did what I set out to do and that’s level a druid.


They had to remove rewards, as they’d blast through on level 20’s and leave another character at the entrance to get all the Xp/threads etc mailed to that toon.

Yeah makes sense in that regard.

It’s super annoying. Usually happens on Thok. Before people can even get out of the pits on Spoils someone is already in Thok’s arena. Nazgrim is another one.


I know title makes you think SOO, but he is talking about dungeons. But yes when I raid lead, I try to RW to wait if i see someone not in thok or nazgrim room, but people are impatient i guess.


This is retail thinking. Stop thinking Remix is just another version of retail.

Remix is: Keep up with the fastest player, they can kill everything in the dungeon by themselves. Don’t tag anything behind them, it’ll turn around and kill you and the player that you’re meant to be chasing won’t notice, because they’re already on the last boss.

If you want to wander aimlessly and look at the foliage, you can still do that in retail. If you want other players to slow down, you can form a group to do that.


it might have something to do with distance you are from the boss if you get rewarded for it. A few days ago I was in a dungeon and still had a quest to kill the last boss. One of the players rushed ahead of everyone and killed the last boss while we were waiting for the elevator to come back down. I (and I’m assuming those with me) didn’t get the credit for kill or had anything mailed to me from the boss kill.

EDIT: I just read that they changed it so you had to participate to get loot, which makes sense.


they mention dungeons but I don’t think the scenarios ever mail them to you - I accidentally clicked that portal as the end of ragefire instead of the loot and I got dumped out of the scenario and the loot never showed up.


Yeah they needed to make sure that if you’re in the group you get credit and loot for whatever drops regardless of what the distance is in this particular case because they are the ones that created the problem as you say by making the disparity in speed so vastly huge


And the Boss loot is one thing let’s just say that always gets mailed to you but when you’re farming these things everybody wants the bronze from all the trash but they don’t have enough time to go back and loot it because they’re trying to keep up with the Rushy tank or whoever’s mowing everything down LOL

Everything that drops anything in the entire run should just automatically be looted and collected by everybody that’s in the group. I mean blizzard created this problem yet again so they should do something to remedy if there’s a lot of time left in this event