Sooo phase 2 when?

There are a handful of issues with releasing phase 2 anytime in the near future.

  1. Each additional phase will have to be released more quickly than the last, effectively limiting the life of the game by the release schedule of the first phase

  2. A vast majority of the people are not level 60 yet. Unfortunately the handful of players that rushed to 60 and played 100% of the last 4 weekends will have to wait

  3. By releasing the content too quickly you create a divergence of the common player base and the fanatic player base which could turn off common players

A few things to keep in mind is that blizzard is making this for MONEY. To make the fanatic players happy has never worked for them. A lot of the hard core raiders initially left because of things blizzard was doing.

Additionally, If they release the new content patch say next month, they effectively limit the game to a life of barely a year. We are in phase 1, there are 5 more phases to release. If they release them all in the first 6 months, there will be no on playing after that. You will be in this exact same boat by March of next year and walking away from the game. It’s not logically the right answer

Finally, you might say “I just want the next patch and then with honor I will be okay”. The reality is that’s not true for a couple reasons. The most obvious reason is these forums are a source of contradictions and lies, people saying “All I want is X” then after X is delivered they are right back to complaining for one reason or another, meaning you can never make people happy. Second there is no real difference between having honor and not other than the ranking system. If you truly enjoy Classic, then you would prefer they wait to release that content. Getting a high rank now wouldn’t mean anything given about 10% (wild guess) of the player base is level capped.

Just saying, chill out and enjoy the game. Make an alt or something, go outside, play Links Awakening on switch, build some mario levels. I for one really hope they wait another 4/5 months to release the first content patch.

Maybe they should fix the game before they add more to it. There is to many bugs they might as well call this beta 2 or gamma.

Level an alt or two mate. If not, the next patch for BFA goes life this week! You can always go zoom through that in two weeks too.


phase 2 is likely to be on december maybe
its only being a month

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Perfect time to level an alt or two, get more professions maxed out on them, start making some serious gold profit and so on.

This is Classic. We knew the content and how “easy and fast” things are. If this did not meet your expectations, you had the wrong ones to begin with.

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you rushed to 60 and rushed the content, probably by aoe grinding as your avatar here is a mage, this is not retail, rushing is missing a good portion of the classic experience. If you are bored you have a few options, 1: go level an alt and actually take the time to play the game
2: go back to retail and play it until the next phase drops
3: farm up more items, did you get your hydraxian waterlord rep up for rag, or was it someone else you piggy backed on? do you have your special faction epic mount from that rep grind? have you maxed your professions? soo many things you could be doing, that amazingly will make the game much more enjoyable. There are even rare pets you can farm for!

Asking them to rush the next phase is just you being self centered because you rushed the content, try the suggestions above and move on. Remember your not a special cookie, your just a no lifer, and a majority of classic are not no lifers and have been enjoying the game.


Now go outside and let your body produce vitamin D3, it’s important to your health.


Its wayyy to early for phase 2, the game hasn’t even been out for a month


The majority of the player base isn’t 60 yet. roll alts or play something else between raid timers.


The game has been out just over a month, relax. Releasing the phases too fast is a good way to not only kill hype and reduce Classic’s lifespan, but also to make the game less forgiving to newcomers trying it out for the first time. STV is going to be nightmarishly bad to level in when honor points are implemented. I think we can hang with Phase 1 for awhile longer yet.

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Phase 2 already happened.
Iron Man 3
Thor: The Dark World
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Guardians of the Galaxy
Avengers: Age of Ultron


lol From Zoomer to Zoomer chill my dude, relax and smell the WoW roses. You really want a time sink? Farm some of the crazy stuff you’ll never get to pass the time. We have Rag/Ony down within 3 weeks and we are happy to beat em up for another 2 years. Thrilled to be playing, thanks! P2 will come soon enough and BWL will fall day 1 —> onward. Enjoy the moment before it passes you by in a blink.

Another one that thinks the game revolves around them. Where in the hell are you people coming from? And you all seem to be mages.

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We don’t talk about The Dark World.

Damn, its called MJOLNIR, not meow meow! Ahhhh!

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I hope it does not come for a long time, then all the zoomers will get bored and leave.

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The very vast majority of players are still leveling.

Come on… didn’t you guys get it yet? The dude said he has absolutely nothing else to do inside the game, why do you think he’s here in the forums trolling?

campaign for TBC server, then WoTLK server… EQ-progression servers like.

it could be really fun.

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I guess anyone that isn’t 60 isn’t playing right. Everyone should have had the time to get there already. After all that’s what the games about, getting to 60 and complaining there’s nothing to do.


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