Sooo mmr isnt reset between seasons

i gota say mmr not being reset between seasons has me feeling pretty down …i was looking forward to a fresh start …now i dunno what to do …i guess ill quit till the next xpac …NOT A FAIR SYSTEM AT ALL…

how come? i’m honestly kind of confused how is reset mmr a bad thing? even if your mmr is say 1500…why would you want to start at 0?

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The MMR is your matchmaking rating. It is there to place you with, and against, people of similar skill.
Having it reset every season would be too much. It should reset every expansion though, as expansions typically bring with them a lot of major changes to classes and game systems.

But resetting between seasons? You don’t magically get better or worse as a player just because it’s a new season. Your MMR would end up back exactly to whatever it is now anyway.

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yeah i think what folks that are around the 1600cr mark you dont want it to reset.
then you have every 2400 glad and duelist smashing their way through the ranks while us little casual plebs try to get by

my guess is this is blitz related, most players when they get unlucky in blitz placement just give up, even if you are a legit 2400 player, knowing you have to put in 10x the effort because of bad placement RNG isn’t fun, if that botched placement MMR isn’t reset, you have no reason to basically ever try blitz again on that toon.

i guess but you have to average it out over 100 games for the season lets say. sure the first 30 might suck but that might balance out down the road. but yeah,…rng is bad. so bad for this game.

My MMR dropped 400 points between seasons

It’s a soft reset.

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I was at 1666 or so and my MMR reset. I had no clue it didn’t reset for others.

Wins brother. Mmr not cr

maybe at a higher mmr. if your mmr was 2400 it might have come down. i think i finished around 2100 mmr…i havent played for a month and a half in bgb. but my first game was 2k

My MMR dropped about 300 points on my mage. Not sure of the exact number, but in that range.

Ideally, your mmr with a particular spec should carry over through patches, but not expansions. If I’m multi rank1 and multi-gladiator streamer dude, I should want to show my skill against those with my MMR. Additionally, nobody should want to see me in their match ever if their mmr is 1500 while mine was 3800+ a day before a new patch launched.

Additionally, if reaching a higher CR is the goal you will need some MMR. Having the MMR reset to 0 wont help you achieve a new higher CR goal.