Sooo about resto tier

Why is the worst tier set for Rsham PVP nerfed by 50% in PVP.

I can understanding nerfing SSN 3 tier by 50% but nerfing 15% crit to 7% crit in SSN4 just make the 2 and 4 pieces completely useless in arenas, heck even un-nerfed I think its still not worth taking.

All tier is nerfed 50% baseline in PvP. Also, the worst rsham tier was S2.

I’m not sure how the calculations are done, but my understanding is wearing 2 piece increases healing by 3.75%, and wearing 4 piece bumps that up to 4.5%.

2 piece:

  • nerfed by 50% baseline: 7.5% increased crit
  • crit effect is nerfed by 50% in PvP: 3.75% increased overall healing

4 piece:

  • nerfed by 50% baseline: 10% increased crit effectiveness on healing
  • bumps the crit nerf down to 40%, so heals are increased by 60%: 15 * 0.5 * 0.6 = 4.5%

So 2 piece is definitely worth wearing since Chest and Legs have decent stats. It’s debatable on being worth using 4 piece, though. Likely very close.

It’s not awful tier, but yeah, not that exciting.

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