Songs that just make you tear up every time

Spoilers on this backstory if you never played this. When this first plays in this game you are fasely labled for causing the natural disasters in the game and are marked for death. You are given until morning to run for your life and try and find the truth, going such treacherous terrain that you may be on a journey you will never come back from.

This music plays as you set out and the one and only person that is willing to stand by you comes with you. It wrenches at my heart every time I hear it. I never care for music with lyrics. This music coupled with the games setting has made me tear up even though I know what is going to happen.

Oh wait I got more

Context. I always called my grandpa “dad” because my parents divorced before I was born.

The first time I heard this song was in a theater some time after Grandpa died of cancer. It still pains me that the last thing I said to him was “get well soon”. I was MEGA in denial and thought he’d be fine.

So I’m BAWLING in the theater.


Pretty much anything by creed gets me all emotional.

7 Likes Gets me everytime…because that shows ending omg T_T. Since I cant seem to show video in forums its David the Gnome intro. Loved that show as a child lol

Mazzy Star - Into Dust

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Idk why but this one gets to me

Maybe because I want it at my funeral when I finally get to rest.


There are only a handful of OSTs that I would consider truly magical in their ability to whisk you out of your reality and into theirs. The NieR OST is one such example. The game itself is okay, but the music is otherworldly.


I wouldn’t say cry, but it does give me unhopeful feels. It’s the Imagine song covered by A Perfect Circle.

Makes me sad whenever I hear it tbh.


This song is a Norwegian song about death from their pagan perspective. I’ve taught myself enough to understand the lyrics and plan to have it played at my funeral. Lyrics in description, Norwegian and English translation.

Sting has one of the most haunting voices I’ve ever heard. This song has made me cry for years.


Baby shark.

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Free Fallin by Tom Petty


Really? That song makes me feel happy. It is a great song for sure. But that’s what this thread is about, songs that make you cry for really an unknown reason.

I was about to type Lean on Me. Such a powerful song!

probably the saddest song i have ever heard

It’s a song about death, and a battle with depression. Finally being able to feel at peace when you die. Or atleast that is what it sounds like to me.

I know what you mean :laughing: If it makes you feel any better, he was also a top tier pianist

(sorry for the bad audio quality on this one)

He seemed to make the worst faces when he played slow but when he plays fast it’s like he’s going for a stroll through the park…

Unless he’s playng REALLY fast…

Anyways, Lane was a phenominal musician that didn’t get much recogniition in his time. That’s what really makes me sad. I dunno what it is about virtuosity and making ugly faces but I’m thankful for the musicians willing to make those ugly faces for us.

Here’s a non-guitar tune (mostly) that gets to me even though it’s not necessarily sad (to better fit the theme of what OP meant after reaading it again)…


I never really paid attention to the lyrics. Honestly, I almost never do. I’m just all about the music.

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Barber’s “Adagio for Strings”.

the first time i heard it was when i saw the film “Platoon”, so for me it was wrapped up in that imagery and it’s impact got doubled. i gets me every single time.


The ending song to Nier Automata, the other soundtracks are pretty nice but this one tugs at my heart.