Son of the wolf retconned

There is no clear idea of when it was changed. The website still directs you to the original comic. I don’t even know how someone found this alternate version.

It was still part of the continuity. It has now been retroactively changed. Thus, retcon is perfectly valid to describe what happened.


Didn’t the say before bfa came out that this comic wasn’t a guaranteed time line.


I mean shadowlands seems like bad fanfiction too so far.

The zones look beautiful and stuff but it’s still just random stuff Blizzard are pulling out of nowhere due to their sudden Sylvanas obsession.

First it was Garrosh WoD fanfiction writing
Now it’s Sylvanas SL fanficion level writing


Anything to push the “Just because we kill everything in existence doesn’t mean that the Light is good” agenda peddled by the Shadow.

This is a retcon but it’s hardly egregious. A line was removed, probably to accommodate something in SL or after. Big whoop.

Remember, when Burning Crusade hit, and we got Eredar Paladins? THAT was a huge retcon, and yet, it was cool, because the Draenei are awesome.

Rule of cool trumps all. Lore needn’t be rigid.

SO they’re setting up for us to go and fight AU Yrel?
I’m going to be so disappointed if they do this.

I mean i’m not complaining about the change. I actually find it interesting.

I have a feeling a Void Lord plot was the go to for awhile, probably since WoD and Chronicles. But somewhere along the line they opted for a Lightforged villain storyline instead.

There’s so many hints and foreshadowing to a Lightforged conflict recently, and I am intrigued to see where that leads.

This pretty much sums up why I don’t care about the lore of the game, why be invested in a story if they are just going to keep retconning things.

This always happens when original writers leave, retire, whatever and are replaced with newer writers. WoW’s new writing team does not care about consistency or respecting old lore. They just want to add in what they think is cool to them even if it heavily retcons or outright deletes old established lore. They seem to be under the impression that no one cares about older lore and somehow think their stuff is more interesting when that is not even remotely true. Constantly rehashing and retconing lore is as you said, tiresome but the new writers don’t care. It’s all about them and what they want.


Cant wait when we destroy the army of the light :smiley:

I’m still convinced yrel isn’t actually a badguy.

the maghar are a bunch of genocidal maniacs, I don’t trust that they didn’t have it coming.


Honestly, hopefully we never directly interact with void lords. I just feel like there should be some things that are so strong that any encounter with them is fatal.

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kinda feel like that line should’ve been right around the old gods.

but then we went to argus and fought, well, argus.

we’ll have to see how the story progresses, but I want there to be a REALLY good reason for why we can compete with other cosmic beings.

They’re all-in on this “the Light isn’t really good” type of moral equivalence nonsense, so they’ll carve out whatever lore they need to and toss it away.


Not a retcon both were released at the same time.

Also if you have read the article the current published official version is the one with the text. ‘The Light will triumph over The Shadow‘

What the article states is that there was a separate version released at the time without the text that we are now aware of. That is all.

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Furthermore Ion’s words were that Time Speed in the Shadowlands varies… Azeroth is not the one getting the Time Skip… Anduin on the other hand…

Of course Il’gynoth stated: “The golden one claims a vacant throne. The crown of light will bring only darkness.” Turalyon claimed the vacant throne in Anduin’s absence.

Remember the Unholy Light used by the Risen Crusaders?

"@DaveKosak Is the [Unholy Light] a form of manifested light, changed by the wielder, just like Elune’s moonlight and the Light of An’she?”

““Unholy light” is really just shadow/void magic, so that’s kinda a weird ability kit there.”

I suspect the AU Draenor is infact a Horrific Vision set up by the Void Lords who want any of their Infinite Possibilities made real! Why else would Il’gynoth gloat that the crown of Light will bring only Darkness? The Lightbound are corrupted with Unholy Light!

The true Light has still to make it’s move on Azeroth but the false Light will invade first and petrify the land in Unholy Light Crystals.

Interestingly enough Xal’atath calls Naaru beloved brethren who have wandered from the true path… Considering all Naaru ships can enter the Twisting Nether… Are any of them from the True Timeline?


Except, yeah, it kinda does though?

If we reach a point where continuity is frequently discarded in favor of what is “cool” then the only thing you’re doing is punishing your fanbase for their investment in your story. Having rules in your lore is helpful to keep readers/fans grounded in the world you’re building.

For instance, it might be “cool” to bring back Garrosh and redeem him as a hero, but what are the consequences of that? The death of major characters suddenly has absolutely no meaning, and as we’ve seen with Saurfang’s arc Blizzard very much wants us to still care when tragic and complex figures meet an unfortunate end. But that’s just one thing that can’t happen when the writers’ attitude is that consequences can be discarded in favor of what is “cool.”

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Retcons are absolutely annoying, and Warcraft is chock full of them. There have been retcons to the Warcraft story since WoW started. It makes following the lore very tiresome, and kinda makes you hate it in a way after a while.

You know what I love? When people don’t bother to read the article they’re linking. Because if you did read it…

It would appear that this is not actually a new change and that both versions were linked in Blizzard’s original release in July 2016. The fact that there are two versions of the comic though, with the Blizzard page continuing to direct to the original text would imply that it’s either a rewrite never intended for release or a purposeful change that wasn’t intended to be made public.