Somnum is a newly formed AOTC guild built around night shift raid schedule.
We raid during late night hours of 11:30-2:30am PST (2:30-5:30amEST) Tuesdays and Thursdays.
We want to be the home for raid focused players that had to give up the raiding they love because of bad work hours.
Still looking for new night shift raider!
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Still looking.
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4/8 heroic bosses down, 4 to go. Could use a stable tank, and lots of ranged dps.
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Hello! im interested for sure! add me to battlenet Blenxx#1528 or discord .lykros
Now 6/8 Heroic. Still looking for DPS and possibly some flex healers. Bonus points for a mage!
Heya, ex mythic raider with a few CE’s, just looking for heroic at a late time like when you guys raid. Currently 610 Ilv BM hunter. On Area 52. daemono#1210