Sometimes this game isn't made for everybody

The game scales well. If someone finds endgame too hard, they can go with Follower Dungeons and Story Mode Raids. If they find it too easy then how are they doing on winning RWF?

And that’s just with group content. There are tons of other things to do in the game.

The thing is, the majority of bad players don’t actually want to learn—they just want free carries.

People on the forums cry and yell about how so many of them can’t improve because of gatekeeping, etc., but if that were true, we would see a majority of them forming learning groups in-game.

Yet, we don’t see that because the truth is, they would never be able to pass even the easiest content without players who actually know what they’re doing. That’s the reality, as much as it hurts for them to hear.

The valentines day event is proof enough alone, many topics made on why people keep dying in it, and it only has one 20 year old mechanic, don’t stand in fire/bad, yet they still stand in it and die. They have to be playing with their eyes closed or something.

I can’t find a flaw with that logic.

Ugh, your comments just reek of someone swallowed up by their ego.

You sound like some washed up boomer therapist trying to analyze everyone on these forums.

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This is SO VERY true. I understand the appeal of “widening your audience” but if you alienate your “core” audience, what made you popular to begin with, you’ll end up failing.

For the most part. Honestly I think wow has adapted retail fairly well. Once they dropped the STUPID war on flying and let go of the “regrind it on every single alt” mentality, retail is really fun right now.

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They did go back to Classic though.


SoD is super busy at the moment. People think because it just has a few servers that it isn’t populated with players. The new content for SoD has been pretty good.

Classic Mehande


Oh boy, I got a fan : )

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Speaking of fans

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I wanted to hang out with you.

add me baby

Akston 1343

I have to ask my mom first

I already did. She said its cool.

She doesn’t like me hanging out with strange goblins

I play a lot of difficult, hardcore, ironman, etc style games. Project Zomboid, Factorio, Satisfactory, XCOM, tactical shooters, Darkest Dungeon, actual flight simulators, Terraria, Tarkov, Red Orchestra, Men of War, Europa, etc, etc.

WoW’s difficulty is artificial to me. If you go back to those title achievements that make you nerf your gear and equip a certain ilvl of gear, you will know what I’m trying to say here.
Blizzard realized way back in TBC/Wrath that with gear, nothing is really a challenge. You have to stop gearing yourself and kinda take a more binary approach to see a challenge, kinda like Darkest Dungeon, everything is more binary and RNG rather than a gear check.

That’s why Mythic is so over tuned now. They need to make the boss hard in a binary way, otherwise you just out gear it. I don’t even see the point in gearing yourself in Mythic raid anymore if they just design the last 2 bosses to be exempt from gear checks.
You might as well just arbitrarily increase the stats of the raid if they kill a boss, kinda how they do with the progressive raid buff, but you can’t eliminate gear because it kills the motivation for the players I guess?

WoW’s treatment of difficulty is why we have “oh this is difficult” and “oh this is a time gate”.
It’s not difficult in the technical definition of the word to gather 20 people and form a raid, but in WoW it’s a difficulty barrier, a time gate, whatever you want to call it, it doesn’t exist in other challenging games.

When I go play a tough strategy game, I don’t need to spend 1 hour organizing and then 1 hour traveling to the raid and explaining everything.
It’s not difficult to talk to people over Discord. Is it an obstacle? Yes. Should it exist? At this point no, because the health of the game isn’t getting better.

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I give you 2 worda, git gud

I’ll take that under advisement.