Sometimes it hits just right ^_-

happens esp when the rshams job is to sit in GW and sometimes heal

So he gets to spam purge :frowning:

You did that to me too :frowning: ele shamans have been bullying me all season

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Cool story bro. Double that and you might be able to give our boy Alcatrazz a run for his money. :upside_down_face:

How come it’s okay for ranged casters to hit for 300k instant casts, or 1ish second casts, but Frost DKs can’t get even a 100k Obliterate, in their wildest fantasies?

Because they do 400k insta cast chill streaks?


Good luck hitting 545k+

Did you try pressing W to easily avoid it?

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of all the classes to complain about lack of a hard hitting ability you chose the one with probably the highest hitting ability in the game

Yeah but they decided to stun me before using it. Genius move I must say.

Well, in their defense only half of that goes on one particular target right?

OK so I guess we are actually going to take this argument to the max despite it being a half serious reply to a jawah post. Yep it’s split up between targets. It all has to healed though. Not even sure those are the exact numbers. It can also be done every time an aoe stun is up. Frost DK is fine. It doesn’t need 200k oblits. Chill streak is super strong.

I didn’t realize asking for clarification was “taking an argument to the max.”
I made an alt frost dk 3 weeks ago and am just trying to learn all I can about him. I never said we needed huge obliterate hits lol. I can do 30k dps in arena matches without it. Chill streak is def super strong. I kinda wish it were more useful in 1v1 but :stuck_out_tongue:

Seems like the game is currently built with the philosophy of specs doing mediocre sustain outside of cooldowns, and even then most specs just get a decent boost to sustain during their cooldowns and not huge number boosts.

The only classes I can think of capable of decent numbers without using a cooldown are Destro bolts, Mage gpyro, and Ret TV’s. But all of that has counterplay to a certain degree.

Except that Frost DK has always been known for their massive Obliterates. That was sort of their thing. RIP 2-handed Frost. Gone before your time.

Such a sad day, indeed. I miss classes taking damage. Like, casters when getting hit by physical damage, because armor type mattered.

Or just, spikey damage in general. As opposed to slowly killing, over time.

But it was a bit flawed at the time, because some comps could do literal endless CC chains.

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Removing 2 handers from frost is super weird, if anything unholy should be the 1 handed spec since they are about dot/rot playstyle with quick but small hits. I’ve always felt the same way about Enhance too, 2 handed WF was a beast in classic.

Oh well though, maybe shadowlands will fix some of this. Not holding my breath though :joy:


Not before my time :stuck_out_tongue: I remember legion frost. I’ve played since vanilla anywhoo. I was just saying. I realize I can’t change any of that so I just try and make things work lol.

I mean I think ele bote with the right corruption gear can hit harder than anything on the ladder with es into sop sk

My 275k es into 120k Sk would have overloaded for 100x2 with 18% chance of 3rd overload

So 595k- 695k in two globals. That was with a 455 badge and no good corruption. With vers procs to 35 corruption I can get a 27% vers proc which I’m expecting 300-350k earth shocks and like 130-140k Sk bolts with full procs

If you can screenshot the combat log for one of these goes as I’d like to see what the SK and overloads are actually hitting for. I don’t know why and the PvP target dummy is total mess coding wise but I remember there just being wild swings in damage from when I tested burst on my Ele months ago.

That was from the actual game details log.

The 275k es into 120k lightning bolt killed so the 2 overloads and 18% chance of 3rd overload rarely gets to go off.

Sk dmg is often higher than even my highest es and all condensed into one global.

Like some my 100-0 solo kills start with a 80-90k non crit es but have 400k+ sk dmg behind it.

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OK nice yeah that’s some wild damage.