Something went wrong

I am getting the following message in the app:

"Something went wrong.

We’re having difficulty retrieving content from our servers. Please try again with the button below.


I press the reload button and nothing. I log in and out and nothing. I reset my computer and nothing.


Hi Bloodnthundr

We could take a look at a WinMTR test to start here:

The instructions are on this Blizzard Support page:

Once you have the tool open enter the IP number for the server group you play on in the WinMTR box then hit start. (West Coast) (Central - Chicago) (Oceania)

(only the number - include periods)

Leave it run for 5 minutes or so. Doesn’t matter if you are playing or not. Then use the tool button that copies Text to your clipboard. Paste that on your thread here.

*You may need to alter or remove any URL addresses to paste on forum. You could also place the test results in a code block:

Open chat box - paste test then right click - “select all”. Should highlight everything. Then press the preformatted text button along top of chat box. Looks like this </>.

Is there a Error code along with the “Something went wrong” message?

HERE is the text copied from WinMTR:


|                                      WinMTR statistics                                   |

|                       Host              -   %  | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |


|                       -    0 |  539 |  539 |    4 |   18 |  245 |   13 |

|                   -    1 |  535 |  534 |   11 |   17 |  237 |   12 |

|                  -    0 |  539 |  539 |   11 |   18 |  242 |   14 |

| -    0 |  539 |  539 |   12 |   20 |  245 |   22 |

| -    0 |  539 |  539 |   17 |   26 |  262 |   26 |

| -    1 |  531 |  529 |   21 |   28 |  245 |   24 |

| -    0 |  539 |  539 |   22 |   30 |  283 |   25 |

|                  -    1 |  535 |  534 |   21 |   31 |  369 |   24 |

|     -    0 |  537 |  537 |   83 |  197 | 1751 |  285 |

|                   No response from host -  100 |  109 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |

|                   No response from host -  100 |  109 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |

|                   No response from host -  100 |  109 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |

| -    0 |  539 |  539 |   82 |   93 |  314 |   96 |

|                  -    0 |  539 |  539 |   82 |   86 |  204 |   96 |


   WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider

Nothing of note there Bloodnthundr. Looks like a bit of latency on the home network. Is this a wireless connection. If so are you able to test with a cable?

We should take a look at a DXDiag system report next:

The second section of page has DXDiag report instructions - we don’t require the MSinfo report.

That will be a wall of text. If you have issues pasting on the Forum here go ahead and put it up on Provide the link code portion of the URL - example below.

(The green bold portion at the end of this example link: <=== this code)

Alternately you can place the link in a Preformatted Text box. Paste the link in the chatbox - then highlight it. Click the preformatted text button along the top of the chatbox - looks like this </>

Will look like this example afterwards:

Thanks for the assistance and replies Tratt. The way I fixed my original issue was simply to wipe my main drive and reset/clean my pc. I had and wow installed on a separate drive so I doubt something in those folders caused the issue, since I did not alter those folders in any way, it must have been something installed in my main drive with which windows 10 was installed on. I am not sure why this issue occurred but like I said I solved it by resetting my main drive. Thanks again for the help.

Good to see - thanks for reporting back Bloodnthudr. One thing - keep Bnet on the C drive. Wow install doesn’t matter but Bnet does.