Something Positive to Say

Honestly I really like this new login screen a lot and I have to say I wish this sort of login screen was done before at least once but it hasn’t.

Call it lazy if you want but the mood was so set for me real fast. That ambience hit first like I could feel the dark depths of a cavernous place below harboring dark and unwanton forces.

Was admittedly cool as hell to me and I still love it. 'course I’m likely biased as an enjoyer of horror ambience.


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Ive got nothing nice to say right now

It’s been updated on beta… there’s now a shrouded image around the circle.

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Not a big deal really, but I do have a minor issue with inconsistency in the Warband. Sometimes I log in, and they’re kneeling or sitting in front of the campfire all cool and immersion like.

And then sometimes, they’re just standing there all lame; reminding me of the soulless avatars they actually are.

If that’s a bug, it ought be fixed. If it’s intended, it ought be fixed cuz it’s kinda lame.

Music’s alright.

I had the same reaction, I love it. Especially the music. I wasn’t a big fan of the Dragonflight login screen, but this one (and the updated one datamined) are nice.

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The new logon screen on beta has that image shrouded and still has the burning globe in the middle. I guess it might be a progressive thing… the beta image patched soon, and the linked image on launch.

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It’s a nice chance from the crap DF login screen. Not sure why that one was so praised. Felt like I was standing in the slums looking up.