Something might be wrong with my DPS

I clearly see something is wrong with my build, I was embarrassingly placing 4th in the most damage dealt in a mythic dungeon recently I am currently following the build what the wowhead says for the devastation for it’s armor and it’s still not looking like it’s giving any progress to move up I even see Evokers placing 1st is most damage in raids but it’s hard to follow up since it’s only a quick peek to look at their build and I only recently figured out you can enchant your armor, and the harder part is trying to get the better items is higher mythic dungeons don’t think crafting ordering would help at this point since I’m all out of primal infusion to make my item level higher

What I always tell my guildies who are looking to up their DPS is to take everything the guides say with a grain of salt. “Recommended” talent builds are a starting point, but not necessarily the best in all situations, or for all people. Carefully read through your talents and get to know the interactions between them, other talents, and your spells. Feel free to play around with them and test to see what works best for you.

Also (and especially with a new class to the game) make sure you fully understand how the spells themselves play off of each other. This ensures you’re getting your combos out correctly to maximize your DPS inside your cooldown windows.

Other than that, it’s just practice. The more you play the class the more comfortable you’ll feel on it. As time goes on you’ll spend less time thinking and more time reacting instinctively. The gear will come with time, there’s nothing you can really do about that. Until then just keep working on the basics.

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