Something keeps breaking my stealth

I suspect it’s a trinket: Controlled Current Technique, but seriously, WHY IS THIS STILL A THING?! It’s making it impossible to properly play Outlaw in M+…

I used to use that trinket back in season 1 and never noticed it cause any problems. Something is breaking my stealth though.

Pretty awkward when it’s during a shroud…


Turns out it’s my healer running Ominous Chromatic Essence… How are these issues still not fixed?

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" incompetence



  1. inability to do something successfully; ineptitude.

“allegations of professional incompetence”"


I was gonna say: #RoguesCantHaveNiceThings

But you’re probably correct. They won’t tweak an item because it might break it. But they will leave Rogues bugged for 20 + years.

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