Something just feels off with ret in pvp atm

IDK what it is, but I feel alot of fights are uphill battles. And its a feeling I dont have on many other charecters at all. I dont even know if its a damage thing. I just find our survivability to be really subpar atm.


Yes. Ret is in a terrible place right now. Extremely low survivability and low damage. Not to mention the worst mobility in the history of wow when compared to other classes at the same time.

Ret is probably close to the worst spec in pvp as you can get right now.


I spoke about this a bit on the PTR forums cause I just find it interesting, but imo it’s a combination of everyone else’s power creep and our lack of spec (class, really) identity.

From Frost Barrier and AMS effecting teammates, to Hunters and Warriors gaining more defensives, our defensive toolkit is being “matched” while our offensive toolkit remains the same.

Take Hunter vs Paladin

  • If you press Bubble, I’ll press Turtle
  • If you press SoV, I’ll press Survival of the Fittest
  • If you press LoH, I’ll press Exhilarate
  • If you press BoF, I’ll press Master’s Call
  • If you press BoSac, I’ll press Roar of Sacrifice
  • If you press HoJ, I’ll press Pet Stun
  • If you press BoSanct, I’ll press Chimera Sting

And so on… and this goes for every class. Bubble? → Dispersion, LoH? → Void Swap, BoSanc? → Mass Dispel… etc…

Now, what happens when I:

  • If I hit Purge, what button do you press?
  • If I hit Sharpen Blade, what button do you press?
  • If I hit Smoke Bomb, what button do you press?
  • If I hit Psyfiend, what button do you press?
  • If I press Shamanism, what button do you press?

And so on…

Everyone else’s defensive power has creeped up to either, equal or in some cases better, than Paladins… Yet Paladins haven’t gotten any offensive pressure buttons/talents to match theirs.

Now, the identity issue comes in and the interesting questions are:

What role would you like to see Paladins fill?


  • Should Prot be more of a standard “tank?”
  • Should they be pushed to a support role like Aug?


  • Why does Hpal have Denounce but not Holy Bolt? (CS Replacement)
    • Compared to Smite + Penance, Living Flame + Disintegrate
  • What seperates them from Priests at that point?
  • If Hpal should be melee, what Tools should/could they have to succeed in that role?


  • Should Ret be more offensive?
  • More Defensive?
  • Melee vs Mid Range vs Caster?
    • Again, what tools/talents should they get to fill these roles?

There’s no underlining strength or intimidation factor. It’s probably the only class you’re more annoyed to see another Paladin on your own team, than the enemy team… :smiley:


This guy gets it.