Something is funny with the population numbers. Layering won't be removed

I am on a server that is medium off peak and high in peak hours. Nothing like whitemane which is full 100% of the time, however even if I log in at 8am and the population is listed at medium, everywhere is being camped. Every quest mob area, every gathering node, every named mob, everywhere. No matter what time I log in you have to compete for everything and you are always at risk of getting ganked.

I think blizzard is misrepresenting the population numbers. Even medium population servers seem overpopulated WITH layering. It is going to be impossible to remove layering by phase 2.

A lot of people are playing Classic :slight_smile:


When phase 2 is released and they go down to no layers… You will be waiting in queue for hours to get in again. Haha RIP those full servers.


I don’t feel bad for the people that don’t transfer. Not at all. I could care less if the server name is Whitemane or Server 13x. As long as it’s playable.

I sacrificed being on a server called Thunderfury to transfer to a server called Arcanite Reaper.

I’m sleeping well at night too.

Your sacrifice shall be remembered, Saurgnome.

First and foremost, the total server capacities now compared to vanilla are significantly more. Blizzard has gone on to say that a low server now is more than a high server was back in the day. Additionally they raised server caps quite a bit more after they stated the above.

Second, server populations as they show on the realm selection screen are apparently dynamic. So they take into account the highest and lowest active servers. So if you feel the medium servers feel like high populated servers, thats because 1, they are compared to vanilla, and 2 are listed medium because there are servers out there with that many more people that the active player difference is large enough not to consider them both high.

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Blizzard will remove layering and i will laugh at those who didnt transfer when they got the chance.

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Did you miss this post from a while back? New Realm Population Label System