Someone's Having Fun with Realm Names

The One Realm, Streamer Realm, Is there a limit to how many…

I see you. :laughing:

Context: Check the seasonal realms on WoW: Classic.


Ha, looks like the devs are having fun!


Dang it Blizzard, can you please give us the official list of servers now? I’m going to be really sad if I roll on a one sided faction pve server (if you end up having more then one option at launch given how you’re messing with us with server info on SoD tab), especially if I’m able to get the character names I’m aiming for and have to reroll again after.

I see you having fun Devs! It makes me smile. I hope all have a happy launch day!


I just hope that the RP-PVP realm is named “Goldshire Inn”. It would be pretty epic.


There’s only going to be one PvE server I’m pretty sure.

As much fun as they’re having, I’m still confident that the first set of servers we saw was how its intended. 1 PvE, 2 PvP, 1 RP-PvP.

Then they realized that just naming them all A Realm didn’t keep people from labeling the PvP servers PvP 1 and PvP 2 and making plans anyways so they started trolling us.


Lol did they add Streamer Realm? This feels like old blizzard and I fully welcome it.

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I do like seeing some fun interactions from Blizzard for sure, but wish they did this earlier in this specific example and now that we’re around 24 hours from launch it would be nice to get the official server list for launch. Oh well, I can only hope we’ll get it at least a couple hours at the min. lol. Worst case I’ll just have to make a gamble if more then one pve server is available at the start.

I feel like the real realm names will be viewable after maintenance. Hour before launch, people are gonna be staring at that launch screen.

There’s a scheduled maintenance tomorrow from 11am-12am (pacific). The real realm list should appear after that.


Yep agreed.

We will have about an hour to figure out realms… which is the perfect amount of time


I don’t know. It didn’t take maintenance for them to change the realm list and keep changing it. I imagine it’ll be more like 1 minute before launch.

But, never know.

Blizz, this is what people like. Be light-hearted and not so cereal.


Like you? lol

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Haha I see it.

There’s another realm LITERALLY called: “Is there a limit to how man…”

That’s labeled as an RP-PVP realm. lol

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