You don’t use berserker rage, recklessness, demo shout, cleave, overpower, slam, piercing howl, death wish, disarm, or pummel?
Seems like you’re gimping yourself.
You don’t use berserker rage, recklessness, demo shout, cleave, overpower, slam, piercing howl, death wish, disarm, or pummel?
Seems like you’re gimping yourself.
No surprise a warrior is complaining about this
You’re being very persnickety over the literal meaning of 3-button class, notably by citing skills that have fairly massive CDs, highly situational use, or no use at all.
Feral Druid DPS is a 3-button endeavor: Shred/Ferocious Bite/Power Shift Macro. Yes a Druid also needs to consider Bear Form and its associated skills for add pickup, yes a Druid can also be sure to stealth open with Ravage, and yes a Druid has a litany of caster-based skills that have situational use.
But Feral DPS is still just three buttons.
Aren’t most DPS specs 3 buttons?
Swords Rogue for ex - Keep up SnD, SS a million times until Evisc. Use your cooldowns when you can.
Three buttons at most, yes.
I can’t wait to be told that a Warlock casting Demonic Sacrifice on their Succubus before you even pull counts as two extra button presses.
Lol, you don’t play a warrior, do you?
The longest cooldown on any of those abilities is 60 seconds, except for Recklessness (30 minutes) and Death Wish (3 minutes).
And which ones are useless?
If you’re sitting there pressing 3 buttons as a war, you aren’t doing the most damage you could, or helping the team with any mitigation, hence gimping yourself.
Lol, you don’t understand the definition of the word “or” do you?
Slam is pretty useless.
Again, persnickety and literal use of the word “three”
But outside of proper CD usage, oh and trinkets (do those count as more buttons?), you aren’t going to use any of those skills for more damage outside of niche scenarios. Most Vanilla bosses feature a single target so Cleave is mostly for trash and the very seldom group of adds you get mid-fight. Slam is for 2H users after everything else is unavailable and you have a glut of Rage… so 2H Fury users on Vael… so bad.
As for helping the team with mitigation… lol? Any Tank Warrior is going to have free GCDs to apply or refresh Demoralizing Shout, so you aren’t explicitly needed for that. Further, with a few outliers like Broodlord and Emperor Vek’nilash, getting hit harder but within tolerance for the Healers to keep up, is a good thing. More Rage means more ability usage which means more TPS/DPS. Same goes for Bears.
Utility crap is utility crap. It isn’t part of a rotation but it should be on your bar. Like I said, my having access to Rebirth and Innervate doesn’t mean I have more buttons when doing DPS, nor are they discounted when people refer to the role as a 3-button role.
You’re being persnickety for no reason.
Haha this druid is talking about stuff he has no experience in hahahaha
i think he means nerf the loot
For the love of God. Just go back to retail already. Asking for dev changes on a game that is supposed to be a recreation of the original.
My wife’s boyfriend gives me gold all the time as well.
Just because you are blind to them, doesn’t not make them merits. Try to wear all shoes when making a point - it hits much harder.
The problem I have with these types of post is the entitlement of the OP while their complete lack of understanding of the impact such a drastic change would have.
The changes you want would fundamentally alter the economy of Classic and there was a reason it wasn’t nerfed in Vanilla.
Only simple people think there are simple solutions to complex problems.
It’s Nerf or Nothing!