Someone needs to say it: Dire Maul needs a nerf

You’re welcome to poohpooh the use of the phrase, but factually it CLEARLY applies here. You can not make the argument that the devs intended you to be able to reset the encounter after the cave opens so that you can bypass all of the trash in the room, which are in fact mechanically designed to aggro at 50% if you haven’t cleared them.

You may recoil at the use of the phrase, but it’s application is appropriate here.

Oh so it’s ok for you to farm DME on your mage because you give away the gold you earn. So you want it nerfed because you think it effects the economy.

It doesn’t btw. It’s funny that you’re actually complaining about people doing tribute runs to earn gold when there’s dudes who earned their gold by layer jumping for black lotus. There’s another dude that farmed black lotus on a low pop server, stocked and then transferred to a high pop server and has over 60k gold

40-70 gold an hour doesn’t compare with any of that

I don’t think anybody needed to say it.


The items in the chest will always have a market, if only to just to vendor them. The buffs, for instance, will always be sellable and people will always be looking to pay 5-10g just to enter the instance.

But even if I granted you tribute runs, what about east runs?

I’m inclined to agree… I kind of feel like a hard stance on #nochanges by the player base, with mixed support and odd design choices from Blizzard, has resulted in a classic experience that is not what many were expecting, or hoping for.

I think stubbornly stamping ones foot in the corner isn’t really helping things as, it seems, the world carried on over the last 15 years in ways that Vanilla WoW simply wasn’t designed to anticipate.

I’m still enjoying dungeons and raids, and that’s what I set out to do, but other things such as the economy and PvP are a giant mess.

You don’t need to clue me in about the value of the lashers- I have probably farmed them many, many times more than you. The fact that you say you can make 35-50g an hour + bonus blues and epics is precisely the argument I am making. It shouldn’t be that lucrative. The lashers should not be able to drop any boes at all.

People can and did amass this kind of gold without leaving a major city after a time, simply by playing the AH. Prices are up in general because people know how to play the AH better, and gold flows a lot more freely between known farming locations and dedicated strategies.

You could nerf all of the high level dungeon farming methods with some extreme absurdities and people would still find a way to cap out gold/hour using lower instances or outdoor areas. Are you seriously going to demand that SM:Cath be changed in some material way to prevent lvl60 Mages from one-pulling the whole place and AoEing it down? Someone may find a way to generate 30 g/hr doing some shenanigans in Gnomer! Better fix it quick!!

Meanwhile Rogues can run laps using pickpocket in BRD to score a decent hunk of change and items. Shall we give everyone stealth detection? Maybe eliminate the pocket change from murdering Humanoid NPCs?

Part of the “warts and all” facet of Vanilla is that a lot of instances were neat to look at, fun to walk through, and horrendously tuned to eliminate every form of wacky behavior. Each expansion since then has taken efforts to minimize this like reducing dungeons down to essentially long hallways with no looping, narrow passages with stealth detection, and terrain geometry that any NPC can traverse.

All of this being said, the biggest gold sink right now is Black Lotus, which is ludicrously high not because of any industrious Hunter, Mage, or Warlock… but because they only spawn in the world at a limited and set rate. Because of the solo farmers, even right now while Lionheart Helms are still being made like crazy and folks are saving up for their Thunderfury, Arcane Crystals aren’t overpriced compared to early Vanilla AH prices. As time goes on and phases release, these will drop in value similar to Devilsaur Leather.

Black Lotus on the other hand has no way to scale up the acquisition to accommodate the population. Open world farming is too much for average Joe’s like myself, so we instance farm and can do so reasonably well. DM, ZF, Mara, SM, and others are relief valves to handle the fact that even with higher node spawn rate, the population out and about is just too much. We have no such relief valve with Black Lotus.

Gold farming is NEVER GOING AWAY. You want a more authentic Vanilla Market? The only real absurdity is Black Lotus due to massive populations. Address that, not the Warlock using Enslave Demon and terrain pathing to have some fun in Dire Maul.


The point of this post was to bring to the fore an issue which no one else is: DM needs nerfs. So why add post #5498554 about pally pulls?

Hunters can kite- this is true. They shouldn’t be able to cheese an entire DM Tribute run.

10k? Those are rookie numbers.

Black Lotus is another topic altogether. That topic concerns an open world item. Here we are discussing instanced content being bypassed in ways never intended by the developers and in ways which are deleterious to entire server economies.

Gold farming is fine- but not by more or less exploiting mechanics, cheesing encounters, and ignoring entire dungeon concepts (Tribute).

So I would say that instanced farming (that required player input) is better long term than bots running around collecting black lotus. At least the person has to play the instance in some way. If they get a bot that farms these instances, by all means nerf instance farming.

  1. You get a lockout after 5 runs in an hour so its not as profitable as you think
  2. You have to wait for the people you are selling gear to to fly ALL the way to feralas from IF which takes forever(feels longer when instance is already cleared.)
  3. When you have to escort players to the chest, half the time they are idiots and don’t follow directions or forget to bring invis pot.

And yet hunters are still constantly doing it, and people are constantly still spamming (while already in DM) asking to buy items or buffs.

Regardless, selling tribute runs is NOT the most profitable gold farming option available in the game.

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Immaterial. You’re bypassing content in CLEARLY unintended ways to do things you shouldn’t be able to do. Therefore it needs a nerf. Doesn’t matter if it only yields 50g/hr when you could make 55g doing something else. It’s rampant and it needs fixing.

DM farming was a thing in vanilla.

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And it should have been fixed then, too.

It really isn’t a separate topic because the issue is the health of the economy in Classic. Creative methods of instance farming, be they solo, duo, or otherwise, have been an accepted method of play since Vanilla. Further, the “problem”, that is the supposed injection of too much gold into the economy, thereby driving up prices, isn’t actually driving up prices at all.

The only abnormally priced item compared to Vanilla is Black Lotus. If you were to eliminate the instance farming TODAY, prices on Fairbanks would still be 120g+ per Black Lotus tomorrow, and likely increase more as we progress towards AQ40 and Naxx, where the flasks are needed more.

One discussion without the other is just incomplete and myopic. There is nothing wrong with kiting bosses or creating unique specs/gear choices to endure 5man content.


Wahhhh i’m a 3 button class that is pretty much #1 in dps all of classic but because other classes actually have a use thats not fair they should be beneath me in every category. /warrioroff


You got yours so screw everyone else?
