Someone is intentionally necroing dozens of threads to make forums unusable

If it’s the same one as last time, for the same subject, definitely report every single one. I’d imagine that this time, they’ll lose posting privileges.

I won’t say that the SFA’s here won’t go over there and clean things up, (since last time, they did), but generally our Blues here don’t moderate outside this forum. Just keep reporting them and don’t engage.


Sooner or later the hammer is gona come down i do see what u mean tho.

Just trying to bring it to their attention. Moderation in the classic forums is usually reactionary at best. No one is going through and reading posts regularly to make sure they’re not trolling… they only react to flags and as mentioned with a limited number of reports possible in a 24/hour span and dozens of posts… there’s no guarantee any of his posts even get noticed. And since moderation seems to view posts in a vacuum sans context, (and there’s no option to write in the reason for the report) its entirely possible a moderator would look at his post, see it’s not inflammatory and move on… not realizing the reason for the report was the 50 threads he necro’d…

Just to point it out: There is no set of mods for a given forum; they all take reports from every Blizzard forum there is. More to the point, the CS forum isn’t a means to really report it. Sure, the blues may peak in on to other forums to help, but this isn’t the go-to place for such.


Which is literally all I’m asking for…

Exactly… And since Classic is the “lesser mode” it tends to get less attention since there are no dedicated mods.

I think you’re missing the point: There are NO dedicated mods. The blues here are CSF workers. THeir job is to treat this as a front desk, along with tech that helps with tech/rig issues. This isn’t a place to treat it as bypass to get forum actions done.


Eh, when things go sideways it is not always a bad thing to at least ask about how to handle it best.

Last time this happened the CS folks did go help stop it.


Just to point out, we have been told by Blues here (that are not really supposed to cross moderate, but can in an emergency) that any and all reports are seen and looked into. A post does NOT need to be hidden to be looked into. Hidden posts might get a priority, but it is not a requirement to be looked into. One report is all it takes for a post to be looked into.


Logistically there’s just no way that can be true. With in-game ticket responses measuring in weeks you really think they’re looking at every single report on the forums? It’s not even a knock against them… they just literally don’t have that manpower.

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Mods and gms arent the same same as blues there gms.


I know, I stated such. But some folks other there…seem to always seem to come here about this kind of thing. To get to the overall point, it kind of getting tiring that stuff keep coming here.

Nothing against you or anything, just kind of wish this stop.

Yeah, but it can take something like 12 hours or more, and they often don’t see the pattern because nobody can put in notes saying “x person is spam bumping to flood and cause disruption”.

The person doing it is proud of it and currently bragging.

Last time Orlyia had to lock something like 50 threads + whatever was done with the offender.


It is. That was the first thing I thought of too when I saw this post. Didn’t learn their lesson apparently.


Thank you for understanding the situation

How is it “tiring” lol? And if the occasional post in the CS forum is too much for you to bear… try to imagine what it’s like when someone is necro’ing 50+ threads at a time…

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This is like the 5th or 6th time classic related thing shown up in the CS forum for one reason or another. There was folks posting about their thread getting action/locked, then someone spamming nerco posts. This isn’t a new thing we’ve seen thus far.

Flag and move on and encourage other to do as well thats all you can do.

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Yes, the spammer complained about getting reported for spamming. This is all one person on multiple accounts spamming the same exact RDF issue over and over and over. I don’t mean one post. I mean something like 50 threads (sorry, I counted and it was 45ish) where it totally floods the forum and disrupts any normal conversation.

It IS a pretty serious mess and it keeps happening.

For even more fun, the person uses to chars or two accounts and has one be pro RDF and the other anti-RDF.

It is purely to cause chaos, not to have a legit conversation.


Just for the record

Necroing threads is bad
Puppeteering is bad
Causing chaos for chaos sake - is worse.
Making such a racket that SFAs have to take a look - not good for your ability to post.


Thank you.

What a legendary statement. :+1: