I’m pretty sure I’m not losing my mind. Didn’t they give us one of the new Covenant armor sets for free? Just… got it for a renown level or a campaign chapter in Chains of Domination or something? I was given one for Night Fae and one for Necrolord. But my Venthyr still doesn’t have the set. And he just hit renown 79. I was working on the Korthia dailies coloration on my Night Fae after she already had the base coloration set.
So what am I missing? Why doesn’t my Venthyr have his set?
You should gotten it at renown 60. Could the item be somewhere in your inventory and you just didn’t notice? It’s this one
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Wait… I’m confused. Then what is this one?
Venthyr gets 2 sets, but the 2nd set has to be purchased from the renown vendor with anima, much to my dismay.
Oh… I didn’t realize that. So that’s where the set is that I don’t have.
That’s… dumb. 
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I want the inquisitor set, but I’m saving for the renown mail set first.
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The more I play tonight… the more grumpy I’m becoming.
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You’ll get the Harvester’s Court Attire for free when you hit Renown 60. That’s this set:
Additional recolours will become available as you continue to gain renown levels. The Inquisitor’s set, as Theodas said, requires Anima to purchase. It costs 10k anima and the first set unlocks at Renown 64, with other recolours becoming available at later renown levels.