[SomeChanges] - Demonology Warlock on Wrath Classic - Demonic Pact

I don’t care how it’s fixed, just so long as the optimal way to play the spec involves actually playing the game instead of intentionally throttling an already lower tier dps


That’s actually a problem, because they typically have about 10% chance to proc, meaning about one proc per minute, not one proc for 45 seconds. (Or less, average is between 8 and 9 spells to proc). You can’t just sit around and not have any buff for 15 seconds out of every minute to wait for that. The solution is you get the proc off the bat (hopefully), pop your CD trinkets and throw up the big buff. Then, you pull your pet off after 18 seconds so you don’t accidentally set off the thing. 45 seconds in you, send the pet in but if you don’t get the proc immediately you have to go AFK for at least the next 15 seconds to try again for the next CD window.

You may think that’s ridiculous, but in terms of raid DPS that’s what you have to do. That’s why this needs to be fixed.


wretched take. if you want support specs to suffer and intentionally reduce their own damage for a raid buff, check out SoM. Totally counter-intuitive to a pet-based class to take your pet out of the battle for 20+ seconds at a time.

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Pls fix, having to pull pet back is degenerate gameplay.

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