Somebody helped me with gold/bags as a multiboxer - Thanks!

A while ago, somebody helped me as a multiboxer. I was running past Stormwind and somebody randomly traded me two Large Knapsacks and 2 gold. It was one of the most touching events I’ve seen in this game. Just a random person helping me out.

So as a random person, if anybody wants to multibox, come to Benediction-PVP as Alliance and I will trade you some bags and gold to help you out.

Multiboxing is one of the, if not THE, most classic play styles from Vanilla WoW, and it is absolutely awesome for the game. Keep up the good work all you multiboxers!



Excuse me? No one played 4+ accounts at once in Vanilla that I ever seen.

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What else you didn’t see back then and now claim didn’t exist either?

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Lets see. I didn’t see people cry about Premades, World Buffs, Mulitboxing, complaining about resources, boosting and sure I’m missing other stuff.

There were bots and gold selling that’s what people complained about.

Go on your 3rd party multi box forums please and thank you.


I’m sorry you had such limited exposure to the broader play styles of the game back then. It was one of the things that made WoW so great - tolerance to different play styles.

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There are kind players in this game. I even paid forth helping someone collect some FPs (along with Portals), yesterday, after giving them 2g. Loved their RP and told them to look up TRP :innocent:

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Heck yea that is awesome to hear!

So somebody escorted you along to grab some FPs? That would be amazing for a new player!

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No, I helped them collect some FPs. However, my journey in testing servers, I’ve gotten one free port to SW, from Darn and 20s, when I only asked for 2s.

Mutibotting is trash and is viewed just like boosting (also trash.)
The rest of us will continue to play /gank every chance we get :kissing_heart:


It is a criminal offense and these should be banned from game for life and sent to prison.


Oh man that is even better!

Imagine a big strong team of people escorting a lot of weaker players around, just grabbing FPs and zone exploration XP. That’d be pretty awesome!

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A Guild on my Server does this all the time. I think they do this on Sundays? They have two locks and four Guildies summoning lowbies around, to get FPs.


Dang that is awesome!

Imagine a guild doing this to anybody who wants, but instead of summoning, it is a straight march, getting zone XP. That is a lot of XP for noobs.

Noobs in middle, stronk people on the outside protecting. Maybe a multiboxer or two to keep forward and back sides protected.

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I do my best to help others, as well. From time to time, I’ll port low level Nelves from Teldrassil to SW.

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I have been randomly touched in game, too.

Show me on the punctured voodoo doll where

'Street was hired by Blizzard Entertainment in February 2008, and was the lead systems designer on the MMORPG World of Warcraft until November 2013.

He described his role at Blizzard as, “Systems design specifically is everything that is not level, story, quest, PvP or encounter design. My team handles everything from mechanics to items to trade skills to achievements to UI design.”’

What changes happened to WoW, with regards to Systems Design, such as Heirlooms, LFD/LFR, Tokens, etc. during this time. Think this through, and look at the history of the changes."


Multiboxing is contributing to the cesspool of boosting and RMT that is Classic WoW.

See those profile with nonsense names? They’re boosters who will either bot the accounts or sell them outright.

Those farmers in Strath? They’re going to destroy your server’s economy.

Those mages in BRM? They’re just going to all detonate a sapper charge and wipe an entire raid.

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That is a good idea!