Some WoD Crafted Armor Sets and Weapons Unobtainable in Shadowlands

this thread should never rest.
may it always be the reason blizzard fears necromancers in world of warcraft


Wasn’t me.

But the fact is that this issue has never been addressed. And everyone who posted in it (and is still playing) sees there are new posts when it turns up in the index.

Where are they doe


I hope it pings Kaivax every time.

(does he even still work here?)

If only the CC would bring this up on their forum (if it even gets a response).

It can be a topic about communication issues, cold-shouldering collectors, whatever. This thread is clearly not getting any attention at all and needs addressed elsewhere.

Do CMs work here? haha

Another ignored section, a lot of the first CC members don’t post anymore.

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We can always put out the CC call

You have been summoned!


I think it came back up because I linked the quote ffom Kaivax in a thread where someone didn’t know they couldn’t make the upgraded versions of the armor.

Mirasol is love. Mirasol is life.


Hmm, neat trick! I know a particular one who is a collector (I think?) as well.


I thought about her first too, but she hasn’t posted in over a week so I went with someone I saw active today lol

Doesn’t hurt to cast a wide net, though.

This thread just make me wonder if Devs will actually update Love rocket drop chance as mentioned last February or if it was just another comment… I think they won’t even change anything for Hallow’s end even when they mentioned that this kind of drop should be changed back in February.

:rofl: :rofl:

They’re not going to do anything. I honestly don’t even know if the white and grey gear made it into DF for transmog. I haven’t tested it and haven’t hesrd anyone mention it.

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Devs: Yeah, we know that this kind of gameplay isn’t good…we’ll change it.
Me next year: :clown_face:

I haven’t either and I should this evening as I have access to beta… I just haven’t done much… That said the white gear transmog was one of the few selling points that actually got me a little hyped. If that doesn’t make it into 10.0 I definitely won’t be buying DF


Yep, I hear ya there.

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Glad to see others haven’t forgotten either.

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hahahaha 2 year + 15 days