When using preserved holy reindeer can’t fly. This makes the “Bomb them again” quest impossible to do while using preserved holly, which in turn makes the achievement [Fa-la-la-la-Ogri’la] unobtainable and impossible to complete.
Can yall discover the additional resources required to fix your game or have you packed it in and left with 50+% of the wotlk user base once you activated the 5% ICC buff?
Its the first day of Winter Veil being active this year. Chill out. No need to be rude about it so early in the event.
I’m sorry are you an employee and getting offended that you are understaffed to maintain the 4 iterations of classic?
I know the 2 devs just sending all changes live in SoD are getting alot of flak, so sorry to bring some heat to the 1 employee maintaining Wotlk.
My deepest apologies huntermiss.
Didn’t know saying something completely reasonable meant I was an employee of Blizzard. But you do you.
Deeply sorry that you were offended on the behalf of the creators of your game. Again I apologize to you, Huntermiss-moon-guard.
When was it ever implied I was offended? I simply asked you to chill out a bit.
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I will continue to “do me” but thank you for assuming I am “hot” or “heated”. As accurate as my assumption that you are employed by Activision-Blizzard to work on World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich king Classic
My guy, come back in like 1-5 days and it’ll probably be fixed.
I’ve never seen anyone so mad over being slightly delayed on an achievement.
By the way, bugs don’t go in this forum.
Yup same as Halloween and the sinister calling… I wish they would actually test things out before they make changes … I am sure Classic Cata will go off without a hitch
Yeah, I found the issue with the Fa-la-la-la-Ogri’la achievement also. I put in a bug ticket, waiting to hear back. I also find it a pain in the a** that the little helper disguise buff drops off if you die, which makes it very hard to get all 50 of your honorable kills while maintaining your disguise for the With a Little Help from My Friends achieve. I wish they would make it persist through death, at least then you wouldn’t have to keep leaving he BG to get a new buff and then re-queue.
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“mad” lol. Where is the anger over text. Highlight it please lmao.
Can yall discover
Is it the use of the “discover” meme here? I really don’t get it.
Is there a general negative sentiment here? outlining the player base? I guess.
Joining multiple IOC and AVs that were legitimately 50% pixel stacked rogue bots with 8k hp does seem to highlight that the active player base is dwindling compared to the active bots. at least one of those did change. And it is a problem with maintaining their game.
Really don’t see where you are getting anger from though.
Imagine grinding achievements in a game you think is dead and being mad you can’t do it.
You don’t need some flag in game that tells you you completed something to know you completed it. Why can’t you be happy with knowing you can complete the achievement in your head and it’s just not on your character. Are you grinding achievements so others can look at your achievements and not for yourself?
Again, highlight the anger buddy. It’s a time boxed achievement and we all play games for different reasons. I’m posting about a feature that’s not working in the game, in a forum about the game. You are wild.
Yeah, and users also use the forums. If you want to be negative to people in your post, expect negativity in return. There are ways to highlight problems in the game without acting like yourself.
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Yeah but I’ll continue to act like myself.
White knighting for the people that maintain the game when people have complaints about the state of the game is goofy. You are goofy.
We all play this game and pay money for it. Some of us just have higher expectations for the company maintaining it. I’ll be crass in my posts about issues because they stack up quickly and take weeks and months to correct because blizzard pays their employees poorly and can’t retain people knowledgeable enough with their active releases to correct issues quickly.
You don’t need some flag in game that tells you you completed something to know you completed it. Why can’t you be happy with knowing you can complete the achievement in your head and it’s just not on your character. Are you grinding achievements so others can look at your achievements and not for yourself?
I do need this flag in game to get a mount and title. It’s time boxed, and blizzard has been very poor in responding to issues in the past few months because they are stretching their resources pretty thin.
Another example of them not testing anything before pushing it out. They just don’t care.
Look a reasonable response to this thread. You guys act like its unbelievable to ask for something to work as designed.
I have all the achievements you are complaining about. They are not impossible.
Skill issue.
Bro thinks he said something of value when he got the achievement from last year 
some people make alts
Try doing it as a druid.
No shifting allowed. You get to do the whole BG in caster.