Ok, less than a month of playing this game. Having fun but I feel so overwhelmed. There are SO many things to do and see… is there a way to pull up a zone I am, say Hallowfall, and see all the things I can do in that zone outside of main quest line and obvious world quests.,… what loot may drop, mounts, toys or ways to increase Reputation with that zone. All the little sub quests, what do they acctually get you? Is there some way to know all oi this?
Welcome to Azeroth!
Yes, of course you feel overwhelmed. This is a BIG game. If you don’t feel overwhelmed, you’re not paying attention!
Let’s look at the simplest answer, even if it’s not the most convenient: Wowhead
The tabs on that page tell you all about the characters, quests, rewards, all that. It’s too much to take in, and it isn’t guided to parse out the most noteworthy things from the rest, but it’s all there. Once you know what you are looking for, you can also search Wowhead for specific things.
Now, apart from looking up Wowhead, there are also addons that give you information in-game.
The one I’m thinking of specifically is AllTheThings. It’s a huge interactive list of all the things in WoW that you can get - objects, achievements. There are a LOT of them, and you can click to whichever zone you are interested in.
This is a very long video, but it is broken up into “chapters” of a couple of minutes each, and the table of contents is in the description, if you click “More” to see the whole description, so you can use it to look up any specific subject.
It has a chapter on Addons, so if you haven’t got into addons yet, it will provide an intro for you.
Pretty much everybody uses lots of addons, so you might as well get started on them now.
Do PLEASE ask again if you have any more questions!
Wow, what a great post. Thanks so much for taking the time. I just downloaded allthethings and my oh my, almost had cardiac arrest. The number of “things” to see, do, loot, kill etc is mind-numbing.
That video is nuts… gonna dload it and watch it on my flight.
Thx again!