Some thoughts and ideas I had for the improvement of the game

Whelp. Stopped reading here because you obviously want the game to die…and I doubt any of your other ideas will be any better.


So, before mythic + the game was dead? I guess vanilla-WoD didn’t exist then…

A LOT has changed since Legion launched. It’s pretty easy to see that M+ is WoW’s primary end-game system now. So yeah, killing it would kill WoW.

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Dungeons were

I suppose since you didn’t read the rest of my post you wouldn’t have seen that I included other changes along with it. I wouldn’t want retail wow exactly as is now with just no m+

Besides, most players still don’t engage with M+ at any meaningful level. And new players HATE the system. Keeping it around for players like you is a bad decision, and is killing wow slowly.

So the most popular end-game activity that keeps a lot of people subbed is killing the game. Fancy. lol.

Blizzard even did a survey and you’ll never guess what the winner was by a pretty solid %.


You mean the tree that the guild I raid with lusts and gets down incredibly fast?

WoW, I dislike nearly all of these.

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Yes? You realize how few people actually down mythic bosses, right?

You think that’s good for the game?

Your bad idea is noted and disregarded. Next.

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I get some nerfs but… that level of easy is just… no not for all bosses lol

Personally I would be ok with heroic as it is now being the sole difficulty. I only tuned it back in my post because I know some people find even heroic too difficult.

Already stopped reading, this is bait.

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It’s not, game used to be even easier than that when it was thriving.

I meant every word I said.

WHO… That boss is literally don’t stand in fire except for one part to get on fire to burn stuff then burn boss.

That first boss is really easy.

More than half the playerbase, by the numbers.

Yeah it’s easy for us. We’ve played WoW forever, but we aren’t representative of the average player, even if we aren’t considered “good” either.

Which website?

Bellular has done deep dives into those same numbers. I can’t link it here for obvious reasons but it’s easy to find on his channel. But you can also just use WoW Logs and look up player numbers per boss per difficulty.

Seeing how few kill even the first bosses on Mythic is telling.

Into file 13 this discussion goes.

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Hold on, I need to change out the bag. Getting full.

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