Some things I wish professions had in the future

Professions are good for making gold, but thematically there’s very significant things missing that as well as some much needed QoL changes that could be made.

Thematic changes

  • Better quality crafted BoE’s

A previous system in MoP used “Blood Spirit” and “Haunting Spirit”, materials gathered by disenchanting gear dropped by raid bosses. Something similar to this, or even materials dropping off trash/bosses would be ideal, to create BoE’s in quality relevant to the content’s difficulty.
More specific to Shadowlands, literally any starter-level crafting Weapons for level 60 characters, as currently the best item level is 117 using a Crafter’s Mark l.

  • Non-combat boosting perks for all professions.

Seeing as Alchemy has a perk would allows flasks and elixirs to last twice as long, and Engineer’s having a combat ress, if unreliable, I think similar perks to the rest of professions would allow for some cool flavorful things without making players feeling forced to pick professions as a way to increase player power.
Some examples could be Blacksmiths being able to add “indestructible” onto their armor, or Tailors being able to create larger bags for themselves, and Enchanters being able to sometimes, not lose their Augment Rune buff on death.

QoL Changes

  • Instant and/or snowballing crafting on mid-way materials.

Things like Inscriptions Inks, Engineers Bolts, old school smelting, mass milling/prospecting. These things have significant crafting times that can add up very quickly when doing practically any crafting in a decent volume. Since they only seem to exist as mid-way crafting, a change to make them either instant, or progress faster as you make more and more would be ideal.

  • Add Mass Milling/Prospecting to older expansions

On the topic of Mass Milling/Prospecting, older expansions have it worse, not having these skills at all. Adding skills to older expansion professions would be an easy addition that would go a very long way for crafters.

  • Bulk Scroll Enchanting

Enchanting still requires you to manually craft each scroll one by one instead of being queued. Being able to queue them up would allow enchanters to walk away and do chores like every other profession can.

Hey thanks for reading, hopefully you agree. :slight_smile:


I would like to see some character only power boosts like it was in wotlk and it will be awesome if the limit on professions can get removed :slight_smile:

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I do miss when crafting skills produced competitive, quality pieces every tier that even a non-raider could access. I understand Blizzard’s reasoning for removing all the ‘perks’ professions used to have - the spellthreads for tailors, the own-gear-only enchants for enchanters, the armor patches for leatherworkers and belt buckles for blacksmiths - in order not to make players feel ‘forced’ to pick and level certain professions for gear, but I think your suggestions are simple and practical.

Professions haven’t really felt meaningful for me as a casual player for a while - Legion because the gear sucked, BFA because the ingredients were BoP and beyond my reach as a solo player who wouldn’t run mythic zeroes, much less raid - and SL has really missed the mark for me with its insanely expensive (to craft) legendary base items that don’t start turning a profit until you’ve already invested thousands if not hundreds of thousands of gold, and… I’m bored of grinding professions just for making money. I want my professions to make me feel stronger, too - to give me fun little perks like carpets for the tailor, or rocket boosts that backfire for classes with slow mobility, or - idk, bring back quivers? I don’t know.

I’m a pattern collector, but I’m not actually that into professions. Funny world, I guess.


i’d like to see reagents from all previous xpacs no longer be bop. start a trend where as soon as a new xpac hits, everything stops being bop.

and woodworking! new proff would be nice

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Account-wide recipe books (they’re effectively a collection for me)

Halfhill style material vendors for all legacy profession mats (convert surplus mats to a currency that can then buy back into mats of choice). It would clean up a lot of bank space used squirrelling away stacks of materials for those rare rainy days.

Some profession quest system that is consistently available every day (there’s something obnoxious about there only being a chance of WQ even being available each day for any given profession). I’d like to actually play my profession a little more.

I miss my farm. I miss my garrison garden and mine. Those were fun gathering modes for me.

Fishing … I need something here. I don’t know what I need, but I need. When I have the urge to fish in an MMO, I’m starting to sneak away to other games.

Archeology … yes, after spending a patch wandering around Korthia, I can absolutely see that this thematically didn’t belong in the Shadowlands (glowers)

Agreed, professions need a lot of work. Blizz should just take their time for next expac and develop it really well.

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My opinion…

That convenience came with a cost. It killed so many social/family guilds that I was a part of. Because why bother to farm stuff for your friends and trade it? Everything that you could have provided them was already available in their own solo play sandbox. With no reason to engage with anyone else those players drifted away from WoW en masse. Never, ever, to be seen in game again.

It wasn’t as pronounced in MoP, but in WoD the garrison and the mats it provided were a big part of driving the “missing middle” of the player base out of the game. Leaving the solo play folks and the dungeon/raiders to continue on.

All ideas are great!

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I’d have to see some hard data on this because my perception from playing was that the gathering economy seemed like it was essentially just bots for a long time.

I have no data. I only have the comments from the departing members of this guild and a Horde guild I was in at the time. In WoD both went from having around 40 people online on weekend days to… zero. The first few months of WoD were fine. People were leveling, doing their thing. Then about six months in, you could see/feel/hear the vibe change. Garrisons were up and running, and people were like - “this is it?”

The exodus started about six months in, and after ~2 months, most were gone.

I had no idea how much ore and herbs and other mats were flowing through this guild until WoD happened. These weren’t bots, they were casual players that were on a great deal of the time. When they were on, if they weren’t grouping to do old content they were sitting in Teamspeak. Flying around farming mats, working to level professions, or running old content.

If you weren’t good enough to be a “raider” you could be good at everything else the game had to offer. Sure your garrison was a great source of material for you. But prior to WoD there was a whole lot of stuff being traded back and forth between guild members. After the Garrisons came online that all died off.

See also this post with my further comment on WoD:

Edit - Spelling

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