Some Quest Givers you need to walk away from and back to them to interact

Some Quest Givers you need to walk away from and back to them to interact. This is not necessarily new but it is really bad in tww.


Validation: It’s much worse.


Yeah, this has been happening on the regular since Shadowlands, got worse during Dragonflight, now it’s even worse in War Within. I am pretty sure it comes down to some sort of back-end problem.


Can confirm this is definitely much more common than it used to be.

Happening to me too. I HATE IT…

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Same here. Too bad I can’t smack the NPCs with my Shovel of Mercy.

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I have noticed it too now with quest givers that follow you around too.

Tons of it in the anniversary event. Any updates on this?

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Yeah i still get it from time to time, so annoying, it is like the titles displaying bug no one cares about it apparently.

The new Blizzard doesn’t care about fixing very much, just churning out more broken stuff to try and capitalize on FOMO. Just look at how many bugs have been reported and not addressed since TWW prepatch (some even earlier!). It does not paint a pretty picture. They obviously do not care about quality on any level anymore.