Some player creates a fresh 120 and dominates in Arena

Not at all. More according to this forum, you can compete at lower ilvl as we have been shown.

Yea he’s competing at 1000 rating lower than what his skill is at. No one argued against that either.


He has a better winrate than some 440 geared players.

Seriously though. What’s your reason for him losing a single game at 1800? A multi r1 blizzcon finalist?

He got outplayed? Lol


Yes, outplayed, that does happen. Even the best players can lose. But, he has almost a 70% winrate while not even 400 ilvl… as a warrior no less.

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Ok so that’s 25 ILevel difference . That means according to you and math

A 430 can and does beat a 455

Or a 420 can and does beat a 445


Skill is the primary factor

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I can hop on a toon that hasn’t played any arena and win one game and have a 100% win rate. The point being that you cant use someone who’s only played 21 games as evidence to support the point you are attempting to make.


Oh my… lol you can’t be serious.

Edit: Nfasciitis, I’m backing out of this one now. GL lol


Well eventually he’ll gear through pvp as he plays more games. Going to be watching his armory. And Ofc he can be outplayed. Specs play a greater part in pvp than gear.

Wowsers… You really like to ignore reality. I’m sorry but he didn’t get outplayed by anyone in the 1800 bracket. Let alone multiple times.

I double anyone in the 2100 bracket could outplay him.

Yup. If it’s a multi r1 blizzcon finalist vs an 1800 pleb absolutely.

Seriously though, jugga seems full of excuses, what’s your reason for a multi r1 blizzcon finalist losing a single game at 1800? How about multiple games?


People have already covered that he isn’t just some player.

He also isn’t a fresh 120. It’s a character boost. 380 is not what you have when you are fresh out of levelling.

I’m sure it comes with a decent neck and azerite too.

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So he proved atleast, for those afraid of starting to arena. To start your climb. Fresh with a friend healer, you can climb to essentially 2k rating with zero gear and essences. (alot of people on here making their first “I got 2k” and we all congratulate them)

The point is, any normal person would then start to gear their warrior and climb higher. I think what he showed us and the verbiage used could have been changed.

To help people enter the arena, not to antagonize the gear vs skill peeps.

Join arena. Have fun. People here will demolish you and make you feel terrible about anything you do though.

Do it for you :slight_smile: gear or no gear.

I feel like that’s saying “He’s taller than some people.”


I mean, if the point of contention is that arenas have a huge barrier to entry, that’s not true at all. The matchmaking system does a good job of giving you opponents “at your skill level”, and is designed to have you win roughly 50% of your games. It’s been my experience that this is true. So if you just wanna play, understand this, and go in and play.

If the point of contention is that gear is a huge barrier to getting a high rating, then this video doesn’t really offer anything one way or the other. I skimmed through and all I see is a guy showing wins. Folks in this thread have already done the prerequisite research and shown the following:

  1. He’s an experienced player.
  2. He’s not a fresh toon.
  3. His healer is significantly higher geared than he is.
  4. A lot of his wins are against double dps teams at low rating.

All I can really say is, I wish folks on the internet put half this much effort into debunking anti-vax claims and such as they do misleading and biased videos about WoW PvP…


I’m not even sure why you specifically responded to me lol.

You took what I said and made a whole new argument ?

Now that I have gotten enough committed people in the conversation

The point

In random a fresh player can do very well.if they have skill not like some claim that you need to be ILevel 430 ( the average ILevel player according to the gear is everything crowd)

So the biggest it factor is skill and in random the entry point is not some 430 to even make a difference

So skill is a big factor


Sorry, I may have misunderstood your intent. To me, it looked like you are suggesting that the point of his video was to make people not afraid to play arenas. Clearly it is not. If I got your intent wrong, my apologies. I’m rockin’ a pretty solid head cold, so things might be more fuzzy than I realize :stuck_out_tongue:

I definitely agree with what you said later though…

Like, 100%. This game absolutely does have gear disparity issues, but if someone’s intent is to just play PvP and not worry about rank, arenas is a great place to do it. I think the matchmaking system mostly works. Sure, people try to mess with it by intentionally tanking their rating so they can sell boosts, but for the most part it’s been my experience that it works.

Really, the trouble is battlegrounds. There’s no matchmaking there, so you get people on fresh toons playing against people with 2200+ experience and the gear they got on the way there.

Do very well? You mean losing games at 1800 when you’re a blizzcon finalist is really well :roll_eyes:

Seriously. You haven’t answered my question. Nice deflection though.

How does a multi r1 player lose a single game against an 1800 player? Or multiple games as has happened here? Right.

So gear is a big factor.

Lol dude you and jugga are as ridiculous as the people claiming the only thing matters is gear. You’re litteraly that far to the other side of the topic. It’s like the obscene left and right wing people in politics.

Maybe try the middle ground? Skill matters but if you don’t have gear and you play vs someone of equal skill you’re gonna get smashed. As maladath, myself and jd have been saying since forever. So when gear is clearly a factor in PvP we get annoyed when the PvP gearing systems are so subpar to any equivalent pve gearing system (is benthic to honor or m+ to rated, pve Trump’s PvP every time).

News flash PvP gearing in bfa sucks and gear is a factor or not that blizzcon finalist wouldn’t have lost multiple games till he was in r1 range.


The point is he doesn’t need gear to get that winrate. Some do and that’s okay.

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Stopped watching after six or seven matches. All of the first matches were healer DPS vs. two DPS. Of course they are going to win those matches.

The first healer they run up against is an equally poorly geared priest.

Match after that he was with a very geared resto druid (345K health). I stopped watching there.

Show me the clips where his fresh 120 warrior is beating 440 item level DPS in duels.