Some People Are Just Nice, We Need More of Them

I won’t name them here, in case it would make them uncomfortable, but a crafter spent a solid hour -chatting with me to explain how I place an order, what are reasonable commissions, etc.

They definitely didn’t have to invest so much time. Especially considering they weren’t getting any direct benefit. I don’t have Sparks on the character that needs the gear. And, more importantly, I didn’t find out til near the end of the conversation that I was bugging them while they were on a Mythic+ run. “Bugging” is my term - they were very polite and friendly throughout the hour-long chat.

On so many levels, it’s the unseen caring and sharing such as theirs that keeps a server vibrant.

:hugs: to that person, and the others like them that take time away from their own play to make this a better playground for us all.


This post diminishes the important work we put into making this place suspicious and xenophobic.

You’re tall and blue! SKREEEEEE

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Fun fact, Scree is defined as “An accumulation of loose stones or rocky debris lying on a slope or at the base of a hill or cliff.”

So apparently eagles, hawks, and angry people are constantly shouting about pebbles.

I encountered someone really nice who helped me with feedback on my guild advertisement, and others who helped me with advice on my TRP profiles. There can be emerging community vibes if this keeps up. :astonished:


Back when I was returning to the game in Pandaria I was playing on a trial account that couldn’t level above 20, but I still wanted to explore the world. I found myself running from high level mobs in Tanaris when a max level character swooped in to help me, then partied up with me so I could ride on his mammoth. He asked me where I was headed, I told him the Caverns of Time and he escorted me there. I can’t remember the character’s name but I never forgot the kindness and I try to pay it forward wherever I can. A small act of kindness can go a long way.


“pay it forward” says it all. :+1: