Some of the Horde have forgotten

LOL… ok, so you may disagree, but I am not wrong… she was named warchief… even you bent a knee and accepted her as warchief (otherwise, you’d never have made it into the next expansion. She’s your warchief… warts and all.

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Funnily enough, as far as I’m aware the Bilgewater never swore such an oath to Garrosh (and didn’t do it for his replacements either). I’m free to do what ever the hell I want without restriction, and side with whoever I deem fit. Stubbornly staying on the sinking ship that is Sylvanas (one I’m not convinced isn’t intentionally driving us off a cliff) … ain’t in my best interest.

I can accept that. Of course, in the game, you’re still in the army as far as the questlines go. I think lots of Horde will start peeling off (just as they did when they deemed Garrosh unfit to lead).

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Named by someone else who was not the previous warchief, because he was tricked into by a unknown evil entity?

yeah no, thats not warchief of the horde

Funny. When I made this character, I don’t remember doing a quest to swear a blood-oath.

In fact, I’ve worked with organizations outside the Horde on multiple occasions, even as the leader of one of my own. By this logic, every class order hall belongs to the Warchief, because the Horde player character led them in Legion, and that oath is very clear in that you are property to be used and disposed of.

mrw i learn that sylvanas is going to be dethroned and probably killed

“Keep blindly following my leader despite the multiple occurrences of this getting thousands of people killed on my side alone.”

Sounds great. Goblins for Alliance when?

Why bother? Sylvanas is getting the boot.

Yikes… we’re getting deep in the weeds… In the game, if you are doing the quests and not just randomly running through the zones killing indescriminately (which you can do if you wish), you’re part of the horde, doing the bidding of the warchief… there is no way around that fact if you are playing the game as intended.

Sorry, you’re not special… you’re a cog in the machine (until that machine breaks down).


Who cares?

Just because she may want some of the things I do to be done, doesn’t mean that I’m actively doing it for her.

LOL… of course it does… if she asks you to do it, whatever your internal motivations, she asked, and you did it… your reasons are your own and are irrelevant.

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Indeed, loyalty forever. We’ve never deposed a warchief before for being too evil. That’s definitely never happened…

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Glad to help you learn something new today.


I never said it couldn’t/shouldn’t happen… not sure where you got that from this thread… my original point is that what drives the NPCs in this game is that oath… the players however aren’t subject to the rules of the game exactly… they may have to go along with the story, but they can question it as much as they want… however, YOU HAVE TO DO whatever she asks until the story team decides you have an choice to make.

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Picking up an item almost always involves assassinating the people standing around it.

If I was in the army, I’d have regular pay. I get paid by the gig.

Oh… you got me! Whipping out the high school debate tricks! Woosh… i am totally wiped!

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Why should we remember? Its not like we get a salary or payment for our services…

Well, I can only assume (always dangerous) that as conscripts we get a salary (just not something we get to enjoy)… Of course, every payment we get for questing is I guess a gig economy. The more experience we have, the higher the per gig fee.

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you prob quoted the wrong person, but anyway, the machine broken already anyway.